Chapter forty four

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Cover by @nagapriya
Thank you so much lovely. Xx


Adriana's POV

I had no idea what it was that I was feeling but I know that it was definitely not something good. As I watch the scene in front of me unfold, I sense my surroundings once again.

The cold air touched my skin as I stood behind the herd of people because from here, it was enough for me to figure out what was happening. That's when most of the realisation settled upon me that this was definitely inevitable, so why weren't we prepared?

"Adriana," I flinched at the sudden grasp on my arm and when I glance up to see who it was, my gaze returned back to the scene in front of me. "please get back in the car."

The most painful thing for me to do right now was to just turn around and get back inside the car while I wait for Dante to deal with something that he thought was not important to me. I shake my head at him while I step further towards the crowd once when I finally was able to move.

"Dante.... what... what the hell...? What happened..? Is that reall-"

"Adriana, just get back in the car!" He growled,

"Dante! Is that really Mia and Fabio?!" I yelled demanding for answers,

Dante wrapped his arms around me to pull me away from the commotion before he grabbed my face and glared at me.

"Adriana... please..please listen to me."

My heart shattered when realisation settled upon me that Dante didn't need to verbally confirm it to me because when I glanced over his shoulder, the sight in front of me just confirmed my suspicions.

Mia was laying on the floor unconscious while Fabio was drifting in and out of sleep. My eyes then trailed to the bodies and I found that Mia had suffered a gun shot wound to her stomach while Fabio suffered one on his arm.

Blood poured out of them like a fountain and the more I watched, the more my insides were ripping apart.

Nausea kicked in when the paramedics appeared; everything just felt like it was out of our control. I pulled myself closer to Dante and bury my face in his chest while I begin to cry. He wrapped his arm around me and stroked my head with his other hand to comfort me.

"No, no, no!" I chanted against his chest before I pull away from him, "Dante, this has to be Antonio." I whispered,

"Adriana," he shook his head, "Antonio can't do anything to you, as long as I am with you."

"B-but this... Fabio..and Mia..they won't be fine." I whisper as I watch them being taken away,

"I have my men working on that gattina. Now, we need to get to the hospital."

My heart sunk low as I sit on the chair with my knees bouncing up and down; my heart beat accelerated while my anxiety was up the roof as we anxiously wait for any sort of news. I just wanted to hear anything that would satisfy me; even if the doctor had left the theatre.

It had been a few hours since we reached the hospital and ever since then, Dante and I, along with some of his men were at the hospital.

Since Fabio has been shot in his arm, the doctors were able to treat him and get him to his conscious state however, Mia was still in an unstable state because she lost much more blood than Fabio did.


I glanced over my shoulders to meet with Dante's tired eyes. I watch him approach me and when he reached me, I grab his hand.

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