Chapter twenty

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Adriana's POV

My heart thudded out of my chest as I sit on the bed, alone in the room and begin to panic. By far, this has been the worst panic attack I've had so far and I was incapable of controlling it. I couldn't breath as I sat myself down and flung onto the duvets to calm my nerves. The pit of my stomach was burning and the room just generally felt like a sauna. I was trembling as I began to focus on my breathing but as I catch my breath, Matt rushes into the room only to make me panic even more.

"Adriana!" He called out. I reached out to him and hold his hand with my shaking ones. "Calm down! Adriana, just stay calm. Focus on your breathing."

"M-m-att I..don-don't want to s-stay h-here. T-ta-take me back h-home." I sob through my attack,

Matt scooted closer to me when he began to stroke my head and breathed in and out with me to calm me down. I felt as though my I was going to die from feeling too intimidated and overwhelmed. I was also scared to death because of the familiar feeling of cautiously looking out for myself because of Antonio. The things I went through with him was something I would never want to go through.

After a few minutes after calming down, I continued to lean on Matt's chest as he continued to stroke my head. I felt my face just swell up and my throat very dry as I gulp. I stare at Matt's knee as it shook in a rhythm.

"Adriana," He calls out, "get some sleep. I'll get you something to eat in a bit."

"Matt no!" I pull him back as my fingers claw his chest, "Don't leave me."

Matt assured me one more time before he tucked me into bed. With an aching head and sore feet, I relaxed on the bed and eventually fall asleep with Matt present in the room.

After what felt like weeks, I wake up with a stinging headache and shivers all over my body however, as soon as I woke up I was startled. It wasn't the mere fact that I was alone because I wasn't, in front of the bed stood Tony with both his hands buried in his pocket as he watched me.

My heart had reached my throat by the time I was conscious enough to figure out what the hell was going on. I felt cold and hot simultaneously as I gather everything I can to get up. Even doing that was unmanageable to me right now because I felt like absolutely crap.

Tony watched me carefully as I try to sit up. Once I did, his brows furrowed.

"I hear you're unwell." He said before he approached me and pulled out a thermometer. Once he took it out, he placed it against my skin and when he did, I flinched at both the contact of the cold thermometer and his touch, I felt so uncomfortable. "Damn... you're burning."

Had I known I was burning, I would've had mom look after me but the only thing is that mom wasn't here. She always knew how to get rid of it.

I look away from him and begin to feel like I was going to faint again. My face hurt so much and my body was shaking even though I was tucked in bed.

"This is karma, Bella."

I dart my gaze at him and give him a questioning expression while he held a very serious face. I was beginning to think about all the reasons why he would claim that this is karma but I failed because I had no idea what he was talking about.

"For stamping on my poor feet then chose the decision to be on the run."

Just as before I could even react, Tony's face dropped and he burst into tears of laughter. My face dropped as well at how rapidly his expressions changed from it being so serious to humorous in just seconds.

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