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Hey guys! I know you're all wondering what is going on but if you'd recall, I posted something on my board regarding a Q&A where I gave you guys an opportunity to ask me question and might I say how many of you are curious about my personal life?

Anyway, I have tried to answer as much as I can. If you still have questions, write them in the comments I will directly reply to your comment!

Here, I'm only answering the questions that were asked mostly.

Here we gooooo! ;)

Will you ever elaborate on Fabio's and Annetta's future? Such as their marriage or child?

Hmmm.... I never really thought of doing anything else on their story as I felt that it was really their end. And even if I did, I feel as though it would become boring and repetitive. However, if you really want something I am more than happy to do something for their story!

I'm not ready to let go of them! What's next for Dante & Adriana?

YES I KNOW! That entirely depends on you guys! What would you guys like?

Would there have ever been a chance of love for Adriana & Fabio?

Honestly guys, there was so many of you asking this and if I was honest with you, I don't think that would've been possible. It makes sense for the two to have a relationship like that only if Fabio was the male protagonist however in this book, he is not. Adriana's only lover is Dante and I love that for them!

Will there ever be a book on Ilaria about how she handles her father's mafia or her mother's past?

That is something I definitely considered. I want to write a book about Ilaria and her life when she's an adult but have no idea where to start. I don't want it to be the typical cliche mafia book. I want to write something that is different. But I can assure you that I've considered it and maybe.... began working on it!

Share some facts about the story that us (readers) are unaware of.

Oh my God I have a few!

— Adriana's name was actually going to be 'layla'
— Dante was never meant to meet Adriana the way he did. I had a vision that the two would have a grand encounter but the more I thought of it, I got bored of it.
— Antonio never existed until I wrote a couple chapters and realised we needed a sexy villain 😈.
— Antonio was supposed to be a loving and caring husband whereas Dante was going to be the story's villain.
— Adriana was supposed to have Antonio's child at the very start of the book but I realised how much of a stupid thing that would've been and then it would've killed the whole idea of Adriana having a love story with Dante.
— Don Amore was made to finish at chapter thirty but I got carried away because of how much you guys loved the story and the recognition it got.
— When I created this book, I did not want to create explicit sex scenes because I was UNCOMFORTABLE ASF! However, I began reading other mafia books and realised that it's nature and that it's nothing but essential in mafia romances.
— Mia was going to be a love interest for Fabio.
— Ilaria was actually going to be a twin.
— Dante was actually going to die in the epilogue but I realise what kind of a shitty ending that would've been so I spared him.
— Tony was actually going to be a 'traitor'.

If you didn't write a mafia romance book, what other genres would you write?

I guess I would stick to romance or would write teen fiction. I've wrote another book actually, it's on my page but I haven't really prioritised it as my mafia books have taken all my time! Also, I feel as though I'm not really good at it. I don't know, maybe it's just me. Nonetheless, I will always write a mafia romance based book because I've learned that I have a new kink for those LMAO (I can't believe I'm saying this!).

Are there any mafia books your planning to write that doesn't include your don amore series?

Not as of yet but guys, I really want to write more mafia based romance books. Would you read it?

Where did the bonus chapters go?

They're still here! I've decided to re-write them but now, I suffering from writer's block! HELP ME!

What made you write don amore? And when did you decide that it's something you would further work on?

I LOVE this question so thank you for asking! There was a few things that made me write this book but the main reason why I began this book because I realised how much I loved studying English. I would get compliments from my English teacher years ago, she would always use my works as an example for other students so I thought — why not write something for myself?? At the time, I was reading other mafia books as well and the dominance that these male protagonist held really peaked my interest.... (yup... just exposed myself), so I decided to create my own hot-tempered and ruthless Italian mafioso.

If I was honest, when I published the first few chapters I was sooo quick to give up because I barely had any reads. However, it was one gloomy evening that I sat down revising for my exams then did I realise how I gained 3k reads and quite a lot of followers in just a few hours by some miracle, and that's when I told myself that I would work on this by continuing the story.

Ah! I still remember that gloomy day!

How old are you?

I'm old enough to read AND write smut... ;)

Instead of making him a loving and caring character, why did you make Adriana's father to be such a unsupportive and disliked character?

I really have no idea. I felt as though it felt right because it made sense, it fell into a perfect position with the story line. I always envisioned an unsupportive father because if he was supportive, how would've Dante and Adriana separated in the first place? How would Antonio come into this? You see where I'm going with this?

For one of the bonus chapters, could you please write when Ilaria is an adult, navigating her life through the mafia world?

Yup! That could be done however, I could fulfil your request with a whole stand-alone book. It's really up to you guys with what you want. Let me know in the comments, I will make it happen!

Does Fabio & Tony get to have a book?

YES! Both of the characters have their own book. You can find it on my profile! I am currently writing Tony's story and completed Fabio's. Once I'm done, I will rewrite/edit Fabio's book. Do please check them out.

If don amore was a movie, what would the theme song be?

You already know what it is.... I don't wanna live... forevaaaaaaa 🎶

I don't wanna live forever by ZAYN & TAYLOR SWIFT

I don't know why but when I was creating the trailer for this book, I didn't have a hard time choosing the song as it naturally came to me that this song was the perfect song for this book. The lyrics made sense, the theme of the song and the singers! Ugh, zayn's voice is just so dreamy...

On another note, only in my D R E A M S would this book turn out to be a movie.


Thank you so much once again. I love you all.
L ;)

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