Chapter thirty

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Dante's POV

My stomach turns as I watch Adriana sleeping soundly on the bed; it has been a good few days since she was bed ridden because for the past few days, she has been very unwell. Her pale skin only made it seem like she had no chance in life and the dark rings around her eyes stood out more than before. I was beginning to get sick with worry for her health; she must get better.

I sigh frustratedly as I turn away from her and begin to converse with Dr Araldo about the things he could do to get her better soon.

"What can we do?"

"Well, first of all she must follow that diet plan Matt created for her. In order for her to get better, she needs food in her system." He informed me, "Matt really needs to be here to support her."

My brows snap into a furrow as I watch him,
"Why can't I do it?"

"Figlio, it's not the matter of who can do it, it's the fact that Adriana is comfortable with him as he is her therapist."

"Okay," I nod my head, "no I will help her. I will make sure she follows her plan."

"Okay Figlio," he sighed as he returned back to his work, "qualunque cosa ti piaccia."

There was no way I was going to let go of the chance to get to know what happened to Adriana all these years. This opportunity will also allow Adriana to get comfortable with me again which we all need because in order for me to complete this mission, Adriana must tell me everything. I've also met Matt, her therapist and already, I decided that I did not like the guy. I can't even explain why I disliked this man but there was something about him that did not sit well with me.

I bite the inside of my cheeks as my thoughts cross about the very day that I thought would never occur. I watch her in her sleep before I shake the thoughts off only for it to be replaced with what it had been for the past years; that ship had sailed long ago.

My thoughts were interrupted when I remembered that the boys were waiting for me in the office as we had a meeting about new leads. I leave Dr Araldo to continue what he needed to do and then head for the office, once I reached there all the boys were already there waiting as I had expected.

"Okay, so while you were off we decided to go ahead and look at the lead." Fabio growled under his breath as he pushed his hair back with a frustrated sigh, "We really have another problem here."

I scan my eyes over the multiple documents that were scattered all over the table before I rub my chin.

"Who on earth is El Guapo?"

"That's our bersaglio." Fabio announced. I give the documents a final check before I look at the boys and sigh.

From the documents that were on the table, I learned that El Guapo was the main mystery man that we have been looking for. He was a man in his mid-thirties with many years of experience in organised crime groups, he orders and leads everything but that didn't affect me at all. When Luca was in our capture, we knew that he worked for Destefano however as the days occurred, we learned that he had been hiding the fact that he worked with another two people aside him but he would not give up any of their names. El Guapo is one of the people Luca had been working with and now that all this information was out here on the table, it began to all make sense.

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