Chapter thirty four

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Dante's POV

I was pregnant with your child...


For a second or two, my heart stopped pumping. My facial expression dropped and my brain shut down completely as I endeavoured to react in an appropriate manner but couldn't because I was experiencing a nightmare. Only it wasn't a nightmare when the most defeated frown settled on Adriana's face when I walked straight past her... like a fùcking bítch.

I walked... no ran away from her after she revealed the truth and I couldn't even come to terms on what I actually did; why did I walk away from her when I knew she needed me the most?

When I reached my room a while ago, it hit me then that at the time that Destefano put Adriana through shît, she was carrying a baby, not just any baby but my baby. Adriana was having my baby and I was not even aware.

Suddenly, a slow feeling of dejection and defeat filled my body as my knees falls to the floor. My shoulders slump down and my heart just shattered into a million pieces when  realisation reached me; never have I ever felt this much of a heart break before in my entire life. Just when I thought Adriana leaving me for another man was bad, things could just get worse for me. I feel tears streaming down my face as I cover them with my hands, if I felt like this then how did Adriana feel?

Why did I leave her? I should be with her right now at this moment and I did want to move, get up and go to her but I couldn't. I was too weak to even move or even face her because if I did see her, it would only remind me of the weakness from the heavy heartbreak.

My mind had stored a lot of questions as I began to think about the situation; why didn't she tell me sooner?

She did say she was going to...

The things Adriana went through was bad enough, I really couldn't imagine her pain. I blamed her for everything and I felt like a díck for doing that, I could never forgive myself if anything did happen to her, definitely not under my watch.

As I sat on the floor in sorrow, another thought crossed my mind. We were so young, what were we thinking?

I never expected Adriana to be pregnant at the time and had I known, Adriana would've been taken away from Destefano's responsibility immediately. I pinch my eye shut and feel all those tears I had been keeping in all just stream down my face; enough is enough...

After what felt like an eternity, I finally gathered myself when I realised how I had just left Adriana alone. I wanted to see her and I wanted to hold her. I felt as though there was a deep hole in my heart and it would only be filled with warmth and comfort when I see Adriana. I wanted to comfort her while being comforted by her. I wanted to tell her that everything is going to fine and she was safe with me however, the only problem was that it was too late. Shít has already happened and we have lost a lot already.

I make my way to her room knowing already that she would be in there alone. Once I reached her door, I opened it with a very heavy heart. My throat had felt like it was closing up from all of the emotions that was yet to be let out and my lips quivered as I tried to compose myself. If I had to stay strong, it would only be for Adriana. As I open the door, I was immediately welcomed by darkness however I was able to see her through this darkness. Tears once again filled my eyes when I watch her curl up against the mattress as she whimpered, she continued to do so and it was obvious that she hadn't paid any attention to the fact that I have now entered her room.

I walk in and close the door behind me before I take my shoes off and join her. As I wrap my arm around her shaky form, she immediately gasped and grabbed my arm but when she realised who I was, her whimpers no longer were quiet in fact, she had began to sob while simultaneously clutching onto my arm.

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