Chapter twenty one

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Adriana's POV

Just as the words were about to come flying out my mouth, Dante pulled away harshly and growled.

"When you're ready to talk, the boys will see you."

"Why? Why them?" I gulped as I speak out to him, "Why can't I speak to you?"

The last words almost came out in a whisper because I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask him that. Quite frankly, I didn't want to speak to him alone because I've realised how much it intimidated me. Dante glared at me for a few seconds as his face was laced with confusion as well fear and I couldn't really pinpoint anything. So much was going through my mind that I forgot what I had just asked him.

I felt as though a shadow had casted my heart, leaving a dull feeling just lingering around because Dante stood up, turned around and just left, ignoring my question just as how I expected him to. I watch his back just beginning to distance from me and the more I watched it, the more I realised that there was no way these people were going to let me go anytime soon. I closed my eyes and felt them leak as my head was pounding; I couldn't do this anymore.

Just when I thought life was getting better, it always went back to square one.

Why did I meet Dante again?

The fact that I've also learnt to get over him was a huge accomplishment for me over the years because I remember how difficult it was to forget him despite knowing that he was alive. At the time, I felt as though that since it has been years, things change. People move on and they forget and that's what I thought would happen. Or at least it did but things just set out the way I definitely did not want it to. My heart ached as I reminisced how Dante looks at me now; it like he hates me the most. I have no idea why and hate to feel this way.

Just as Dante practically stormed out of the room, both Tony and Fabio walked in. I sit on the bed distraught as ever, devastated at the realisation the Dante hates me and there was nothing I could do about it. My head is low as I frown at my fingers.

"Hey, why don't you come inside the mansion with us?" Tony piped which caused me to look up at him, "You could have dinner with us? I promise we'll no longer ask you questions today."

Tony smiled softly at me and I looked back at him before I stare at Fabio who stood there with a straight face. Once I watch him, Fabio nodded his head at me for assurance. I didn't know what to say because I was so confused; first they kidnap me and now they're treating me like as if they've known me for years?

I didn't know what to say so I didn't really say anything.

"Come on." Tony offer me his hand. I look at him again before I watch his hand that was out for me to take, "Dante will not be there, I'll make sure."

My shaky hand reach out to his and once they did, Tony wrapped his hand around mine and then helped me get up. Once I did, we slowly made our way out of the house an into the mansion.

On another note, taking Tony's offer was an advantage because it had me out of the small house that had me feeling so down and depressed.

Once we reach the mansion, I saw a few more people that I have never met before. Mia was present as well as another two men that did not seem familiar.

"Hey," Mia greeted, "how are you feeling?"

I weakly smile at her and then look away as I tuck in a chunk of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm fine..." I say,

"That's great!" She exclaimed, "If you need anything, you just tell me. In the mean time, let me introduce you to the rest of the family." She says as she looked at the table where people began to fill in the seats. We both were sitting in the lounge area as we spoke, the dining was attached to this huge hall.

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