Chapter thirty nine

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Cover made by @nagapriya
Thank you so much love! Xxxx


Dante's POV

"Buon compleanno mio caro!"

The fact that it was Adriana's idea to have this party take place on my birthday was so touching for some reason, I never thought she would've remembered. The dress that I brought her was made her look like an absolute angel. The moment I saw her, something spread across my chest. Something I really couldn't decipher.

Right now, mom was greeting me while I was gazing at Adriana like she was the only person present here.

Mom grabbed my face forcing me to tear my gaze away from Adriana, she reached closer to me and kissed my face, anywhere she could just like she did when I was a child.

"My baby boy is growing way too old and too fast." She moaned,

"Mom!" I muttered frustratedly as I held her arm to stop her, "Enough."

Once mom let go of me, I turned my gaze to everyone who was watching us; mom always knew how to embarrass me, especially in front of the family. I always used to avoid situations like this because after, the boys and the girls would take the piss out of me. I return my gaze back to Adriana not only because I wanted to look at her but it was the fact that she stood out in the crowd.

When I said she is beautiful, she is God damn it.

I watch her face turn red as everyone was laughing at what mom did, I watch her until her eyes fall on mine before she looks away again.

I wanted Adriana to look at me the way I looked at her, I wanted her to watch me the way she used to watch me years ago and so since she no longer does that, I feel as though she feels as if she doesn't belong here.

I reach her and pull her to my side.

"Sei bellissima." I whispered into her ears. She pulled away slightly and watched me before a small grin filled her face,

"You've said so before." She nodded her head and then turned her gaze away from me as she looked on straight ahead. My face dropped in surprise for a second because I didn't really expect her to understand me. The last time I remembered, Adriana did not understand my native tongue and sometimes, I would teach her. When I thought that was the only surprise she would shock me with, I was wrong because then, Adriana said something I never expected her to say. "Sei molto bello."

If I said my face was not priceless, I would be lying. My heart for some reason skipped a beat when Adriana glanced up at me and then laughed at my perplexity.

"How did you...?"

My intention was to grab her arm and wrap my arms around her however, before I could she slipped away from me as she continued to laugh. Although I wanted to grab her, I found myself unable to do that because I was struck with surprise at how Adriana was; never did I ever think she would have this confidence especially with me. She walked away as I watched her beautiful figure move further away from me and I shake my head with a chuckle.

That woman always made my heart skip a beat.

"Happy birthday díckbrain."

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