Chapter forty eight

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Adriana's POV

-Flash back-

'Dante is long gone...'

My heart ached at the gut-wrenching revelation, it was such a traumatic thing to me that I have never been able to forget about it. My eyes burned every time I reminisce his face while he told me that Dante was no more; it was the most painful thing to endure.

I've spent many days trying to conquer these thoughts and voices but each time I accomplish them, they would return because I knew I was a failure, as I am told every single day. The day Dante left this world, I felt as though I had joined Dante too because nothing was the same ever since. I was no longer Destefano's strong-minded and intelligent daughter, I was just a nobody.

"Are you listening to me Adriana?"

I snap out of my reverie as I was faced with him once again. I settle my tired gaze on Destefano and nod my head as once again, his demanding and threatening tone of voice really did not faze me anymore because I was so used to this. Each day he would threaten me and I would be waiting for these threats to become a real thing. Destefano's face was filled with exasperation as he glared at me, so the first thing I did was just nod my head.

"God was kind enough to give you a voice. So I suggest you use it!"

Destefano grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back so I could face him. His face was closer to mine as his fingers clawed my skin, I flinch at the harsh contact before I pull away from him.

"Yes dad." I say as I rub the spot he clawed. I clenched my jaws and glare at the ground before I look up at Destefano who was watching me carefully, like as if he regretted whatever he had just done a second ago.

If I could, I would've killed this man that I unfortunately call my dad.

Silence filled the room as he watched me while I was glaring at the floor, trying to keep my anger at bay before he broke the silence.

"Sweetie," he called out and then rubbed my shoulder where he left a mark, "I'm sorry for doing that, I didn't mean for it to happen."

"It's okay dad." I mutter,

"I want you to meet someone today. Someone that will change your life for the better."

My heart dropped at my father's words because although he didn't elaborate, I already felt the grave pressure of a bad sign about this; everything he was saying was already feeling like a bad thing and there was no way I could stop this from happening. My heart raced when dad held my shoulder before his other hand found mine, locking their fingers around mine. At this point, I had not realised that tears had already formed in my eyes because I had a feeling that I knew where this was going.

"You're going to be introduced to someone very important to both of us, please use your voice sweetie. I taught you well."

I didn't respond to dad's request because quite frankly, I had no idea what to do other than feel my heart pounding in my chest while my sick father was introducing me to someone that apparently is very important to me, and I have never ever met in my entire life.

Once dad opened the door, a man stepped inside of the estate. This man was very familiar; he probably came around the estate a few times in the past but I couldn't really exactly pinpoint when. He was dressed in a very nice suit that fit on to his body like a glove, his dark back hair was sleeked back while his facial hair was neatly trimmed. Based on one gaze, I suddenly felt an eerie sensation reach my body because a man like him was not someone my father would particularly expose me to. He was a much older person than I was and definitely heavily involved in the mafia world.

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