Chapter sixty four

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Ariana grande ft Justin Bieber - stuck with u

8 months later

Adriana's POV

As I regain my consciousness I stretch, kicking off the last remaining bits of sleep. I toss in the sheets and yawn and then I feel a small pair of hands on my face. I open my eyes to be greeted with a tiny scrumptious face that beamed at me with drool all over.

"Good morning bellissima." I coo as I turn around and hold her in my embrace, Ilaria glanced up at me as she giggled. I glance over to my left once I notice how cold the area felt and realise that Dante was no longer on his space so I turn back to Ilaria and nuzzle my face in her neck, groaning in desolation. "Where is dada?"

Ilaria babbled as she sat herself up and began to play with my hair, while I wondered where Dante could be as I was falling in and out of sleep. Just as I fell into another deep slumber, I was startled out of my sleep when I heard a few loud voices. Once my head lifts from the pillow I was confronted with balloons and... a lot of..things.

"What is going on?" I groan,

"Wake up! It's time to wake up!" My eyes widened when the girls yelled at me, Ilaria watched them for a brief second, startled before she began to wave her arms across in a rush of thrill when the girls turned their attention on her. "Good morning beautiful."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the blurriness. Leila, Annetta and Mia were in front of me as they practically jumped with so much delirium at this time of the morning.

"Adriana, have you forgotten what's happening tomorrow?" Leila piped as she handed me a cup of coffee and a toast. My eyes widened at the gesture as I take the cup from her. "You're getting married tomorrow! You're getting married so get your culo up and start getting ready!"

I was going to get married tomorrow to my best friend.

"Ready? Ready for what? Where is Dante anyway?" I queried as I take a bite out of my toast,

Annetta pushed the duvet off of me and took the cup of coffee out of my hand before she dragged me out of bed.

"You'll find out once you are ready." She said as she pushed me towards the restroom, "And you don't have to worry about Dante, we sent him away because you are restricted from seeing him until tomorrow."

"What?" I exclaimed as I turn around and glance at Annetta who was definitely not lying as her face held a serious expression. Once I watch them all for answers, I frown at them. "Why?"

"Adriana, Gattina, we'll explain once you have your best outfit and makeup on." Annetta mocked before they all laughed, I couldn't help but laugh along with them. "Please, let us do something nice for you. It's your last day as an unmarried woman."

I nodded my head before I embrace Annetta for the first time in months. I sigh nonchalantly against her as I feel myself settle, I was so lucky to have her as my sister. Annetta didn't return the gesture of embracing me back instead, she froze. Only a few moments later, did she wrap her arms around me.

"Okay I think that's enough, everyone is watching." She whispered when the girls snickered before I pulled away and stifle a laugh at her reaction of our intimacy. "Now go!"

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