Chapter fifty six

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Song: Hailee steinfeld - wrong direction

Adriana's POV

How is it possible to feel so much pain right after waking up?

As I reach to my senses, I begin to feel an ache travelling across my body. My head was occupied with a throbbing pain as my eyes flutter open. I blink a couple of times to comprehend to my surroundings and suddenly realise how I was back at the estate.

How did I get here?

My heart palpitated as I sit up on the bed but immediately, I feel the ache in my head pushing me down.

"Oh my god..." I groan as I clutched onto my head and sit up, I lean over to deal with the ache and just groan.


I settled my gaze on the door and actually realise that I was no longer under Antonio's capture, I was back at Dante's estate. The reminder was once again provided to me when I saw mom at the door, seeming relieved as ever. My eyes widened as I tried to get out of bed but when I did, mom immediately pushed me back into bed gently.

"Tesoro, what are you doing?" She exclaimed before she wrapped an arm around me, "Oh come here."

Whenever mom embraces me, I feel like I am at home. However, right now I felt like I was at a safe place rather than home. As soon as I wrap my arms around her, I clutch onto her and whimper on her. The thought of never seeing her ever again dawned upon me and it only made my heart drop.

"Cara, I thought I lost you." She said, "What happened Adriana?"

I pull away and wipe my tears off my face as I watch mom's face; a frown was detected. I wanted to answer mom because I did not want to lie to her however, I did not want to tell her this truth. It would shatter her just as much as it did to me.

Before I could speak to her, a second presence interrupted up. Although he himself has not admitted to what he has actually done, I felt my heat soaring at the sight and truth to be told, I was mad at myself for feeling this way. The sight of Dante had me weak that as soon as he stepped into the room, my eyes began to water.

I missed him so much.

The thought of having Dante snatched away from me was painful however, the revelation that Dante himself would be the cause of this all was even more painful.

What was he thinking?

"Figlio," Mom called him as he snapped out of his daze, "come in. Adriana is awake now, your company would be very much useful."

No mom! No!

My throat was hurting as it swelled with so much emotion. I looked at mom and immediately, she felt as though we needed time alone so she told me that she would be back in a while. I really did not want to be alone with Dante however, a part of me wanted to be alone with him so I could confront him about this and make sure that whatever Antonio revealed was not true.

Once mom left, Dante took her seat on the bed and watched me before he grabbed my hand. As soon as his skin touched mine, a spark formed in my system and my fingers automatically intertwined with his. I glance up at him before a tear slid out of my eyes and onto my cheeks and while I watched him, I thought how could he do this to me?

Dante didn't say a word as he pulled himself closer to me and immediately wrapped his arms around me before kissing my head. At first, my body was trembling against his, I had no idea how to feel about this; should I be afraid of him or angry at him? My throat was closed up with mixed emotions as I feel my face automatically nuzzle into the crook of his neck; it was like as if it was a perfect fit. Once my face was placed, I inhaled his cologne and just closed my eyes allowing my tears to roll down his neck.

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