Chapter twelve

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Adriana's POV

"So Adriana, I am pleased to say that there has been major improvements."

I sit up on my chair and pull my hands out of my lap. I have been waiting for the past half an hour for Matt to return with my exam result and to hear what he has just said right now, really made me wonder why I think otherwise. I sit up and bite my lip as I stare up at him and then frown.

It still wasn't enough.

Why wasn't it enough?

Matt stood in front of me with a huge smile as he encouraged this and I was able to tell how happy he was with my little improvement that when I didn't join him, he kneeled down as he placed his hand on my knee and smiled up at me.

"Nothing is perfect Adriana, improvements takes time and so does practise." He assured me and I eventually smiled feebly back at him. He stood up and then walked back to his chair as he held my report in front of him. "The results to your exercise was outstanding, I can't believe you're making huge changes! You'll be out of here in no time and so your visits to the clinic with be unnecessary!"

I shot a glance at him as panic flood through my body, I began to shake my head as I stood up from my seat and approached him.

"Matt, I don't want to stop seeing you." I said frantically, "I n-need"

He placed the report down and placed both his hands on my arm,
"Hey, hey... everything is going to be okay. I will not stop seeing you, if you need more time we will give you the amount you need. Do not worry at all, I was just saying that if you recover well and quickly, you won't need me anymore. Do you understand Adriana?"

I look up at Matt with a frown before I nod my head.

"I do." I sigh,

"You know what, this calls for a celebration." Matt beams at me, "Let's go out for dinner today, bring your mother with you."

My brows knit together as I watch him completely confused,
"That's not necessary Matt."

"I say it is. Come on, it'll get your mind off things. I'm the therapist here so I say it's good for you. Please?"

I pouted at Matt as I begin to think what harm would be done if I did go out to dinner with him? Plus, it would keep my mind off things.

"Okay, let's go."

"Great! I'll pick you and your mother up at seven."

It was half seven already in the evening and so right now, I was sitting in Matt's car while he was driving to the location we were meant to have dinner in. Unfortunately, mom couldn't join us because she was not feeling well so she just let me go on my own. At first, I really wasn't up for it as me going to dinner on my own with my therapist wasn't really sitting well with me but mom somehow managed to convince because she says I needed it. She also stated that it wouldn't be a bad idea if there was a thing going on between Matt and I, like how she always thinks but I think otherwise.

Matt is my therapist.


"It's unfortunate Valentina couldn't join us today, it would've been nice to have her."

I glance to my left and just look at Matt who had his hands on the steering wheel. His sleeves to his pastel pink shirt were partially rolled up as it was just under his elbow and his hair was pushed back with a neat comb, he smelled amazing as well. He looked totally different right now. Of course he would look different to me because all I ever see him wear is his doctor's uniform. I've never seen Matt in a casual attire and now that I have, I began to consider mom's suggestion.

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