Chapter thirty seven

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Adriana's POV

Although Dante had already brought me a dress for the party that was a day away, I still felt like I was not prepared. I had no idea how I would do my makeup and the accessories I would be wearing that would go well with my dress. Right now, the girls were in my room as they were talking about what was going to happened tomorrow, soon after the boys came to join us.

Since it was Dante's birthday, everyone decided to attend the estate a day before. Even Rosalina, his mother had visited and decided that she was going to stay for the day before she returned back to her own estate.

The fact that Dante's parents do not live under the same roof as him really did pique my curiosity because it was just very unusual. For as long as I could remember, Rosalina was Dante's everything, he couldn't live without his mom and there was not a day where he did not see his mom. I did ask why that was but got no answers so I decided that I was going to leave it at that.

I glanced at the time and saw that it was an hour before it would strike twelve which meant that Dante's birthday was in exactly an hour. However, what really did bother me was that Dante was not here yet and he was not going to be here any time soon so the next time I would see him would be tomorrow morning. I frowned at the thought but let it go immediately when I was reminded that there was going to be a party for his birthday so they'll be enough time to say what I wanted to say to him.

"There will be a huge amount of guests tomorrow attending the party," Leila says, all heads turn towards her direction. "so I was thinking we should get one cake and cut it when it's only family, so when everyone has left."

A blank expression filled my face as Leila was looking at everyone in the room.

"Yeah, that would be a great idea." Tony encouraged his own sister, "For once, you suggested something sensible. Well done Leila."

"Shut the f-"

"Alright!" Mia snapped interrupting the siblings bickering. Leila threw a glare at her own brother while Tony sniggered at her. "You both really need to stop fighting like children." Mia grumbled before she turned to me and smiled. How her demeanour rapidly changed was crazy. "What do you think Adriana?"

My eyes widened for a second before I clear my throat.

"What...? I mean, I don't know, you could do that. You're his family." I faltered,

"And you're pretty much part of that family." Tony intervenes. I set my gaze on Tony who smiled at me, "What do you think?"

I couldn't help but smile at them as they watched me to suggest them with an idea. Initially, I thought Leila's idea was great because there was a lot of people attending.

"Will his parents be present for the whole day?" I asked,

"Yes of course, they should be." Tony replies,

"Then yes, I think Leila's idea is perfect." I smiled widely at Leila who winked at me. Surprise filled her face for a second as it seemed like she was in disbelief that I had considered her idea only because it was actually reliable.

We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing while slowly, the boys left one by one until there was no one left. When the clock strikes twelve, a small smile crept on my lips as I feel my heart palpitate; this was his first birthday I was going to spent with him in years and for reason, I felt so giddy about it due to the excitement.

The next morning came almost immediately, I woke up feeling like I hadn't even slept. I quickly get out of bed, get ready for the morning and so right now, I was standing in front of Dante's room. The last I have been in here was the day I was trying to run away from them and coincidentally, I ran into Dante in his own room. I let out a sigh to release the small amount of stress that I had felt for no reason and then knocked on the door.

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