Chapter three

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Adriana's POV

My head ached as I was sitting on the cold floors of the bathroom, with my knees close to my chest while my arms curled around them. I winced when I felt every part of my body just twitch in pain due to all the torture Antonio set for me last night, all the nightmares came rushing down to me which made my stomach drop because I knew at the top of my head that it was a daily occurrence which was never going to end. Even thinking about it made me feel very sick so I quickly ran to the sink and threw up.

After I was done throwing up, I walked back to the room where Antonio was sleeping. I turned to the bed and decided that I didn't want to go back to bed because I needed fresh air so I turned around and opened the door to the balcony. I knew where the keys were as I witnessed Antonio hiding them.

Though I knew where the keys were which was my only route to my escape, I decided to not to anything just yet because I couldn't leave without my mom. If I did leave, mom was coming with me too.

I stepped into the balcony and watched the dark sky as I began to count the stars that twinkled in it, before my hands dug deep in my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. I unfolded the paper with a heavy heart and gulped; every time I opened up that piece of paper, a drop of my tear lands on it because it was a picture of Dante. My heart reached all the way up to my throat as I choke back a sob, if only he was here I wouldn't be where I am today.

"Why are you awake so early?" His voice broke through my peace which made me clutch on to the picture and quickly shove it back in my pocket. I gasped as the sleepy voice interrupted and when I turned around to see him, he stood there rubbing his eyes. I shake my head and gulp before I tremble under his gaze.

"I needed fresh air... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...." I replied hesitantly and instantly expected a slap across my cheek or a yell but surprisingly enough, Antonio did nothing except join me.

"Come here," he muttered softly when he sat on the chair that swung. He patted the seat right next to him as he encouraged me to join him. I was actually quite intimidated at the fact that he was behaving differently so I listened to him because I did not want to anger him even more. "Adriana." Antonio said as the tone of his voice suddenly appeared to me firm and threatening.

I walked towards the seat and sat next to him, trying to keep a distance as I tense my shoulders. He takes my hand in his and begins to stroke it before he places a kiss on it.

"You're so beautiful." He says as he caressed my hand,

Antonio compliments me all the time but I don't really feel the palpitation I did when Dante used to compliment me. I don't feel the butterflies at the pit of my stomach like how I used to feel when Dante used to call me beautiful. Instead, it emotionally affects me even more because I feel very lonely. The only person I see twenty-four/seven is Antonio and to be honest, I've grew sick and tired of him already.

"What are you thinking detka?" Antonio asked as he broke me out of my reverie, "Are you okay?" He stopped stroking my hand and watched me,

"Y-Yes... I'm fine." I answer as he watches me again but this time, his brows lift. Silence filled us and I liked this because there was never silence with Antonio; he either yells, lays his hands on me or demands me to talk. I watch the sky again as I count the stars, calming my nerves down because I was very nervous at how quickly Antonio's mood can change. One minute he'll be caressing my skin the next, he'll be clawing it.

"Adriana I've been thinking that since our wedding is coming soon, how about we go shopping?" He suggested,

My heart dropped and my eyes popped out their sockets. This was unbelievable; Antonio never suggested an idea like this and for him to suggest it now made everything sound and feel so surreal. My blood pumped to my face as I felt it burn with excitement, that a smile spread across my lips. Honestly, this was after years that Antonio has managed to make me smile and I was terrified because I knew it wasn't going to last long.

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