Chapter forty five

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Adriana's POV

After what occurred last night, I was absolutely shaken. I was in paranoia the second I woke up in the morning but Dante was here by my side, assuring me that everything was going to be alright.

Right now, we were at the hospital once again. Dante had informed the rest of the family back in America and they were absolutely devastated because there was nothing they could do. Rosalina and Constantino first insisted that they visit Italy but Dante somehow stopped them from coming.


I glance over my shoulder and immediately experience a wash of relief all over my body.

"Tony!" I call out as I stood up from my seat and reach him. Once I did, I wrapped my arms around him and whispered, "Thank God you're fine."

"Don't worry about me Adriana, I've always got it sorted." He bragged before he chuckled as he pulled away from me.

"Where have you been?"

"I've been back at-"

Just as Tony spoke, my attention was driven away from him because behind Tony stood Fabio and Dante.

My eyes followed Fabio as they were trained on him; he seemed totally out of it. A cast held his right arm while he sauntered towards us with Dante, obviously with a straight face.

"Fabio..." I whispered and by the time they both reached us, my heart was filled with so much content because Fabio was here, alive and breathing. "You're awake.."

"Have been for the past twelve hours Fiore, what is your point?" Fabio remarked with a quizzical stare,

"Thank God..." I close my eyes, ignoring Fabio's sardonic comment and feel my head spin for a second before I open them and smile up at him. "I'm glad you're good now and I'm sorry."

"For what?" He glanced at Dante before he looked back at me,

"I'm sorry that this happened to you." I confessed as I watch all three boys, trying to get my words across before they could speak over me. "We all know who did this and why they did it and for that, I am very sorry."

"Adriana," My gaze sets on Fabio who called me, "he will repent for what he has done and caused, none of this is your fault. Anyway, your apology is not going to do us anything. However, I appreciate your concern."

Just as Fabio spoke, Dante approached me and took my hand in his, when he did he squeezed my hands and assured me like how he always did.

"There is no need for you to apologise Adriana, none of this is your fault."

"Ah... I see where this is going..."

Dante's brows snapped in a furrow before his gaze turned to Tony and Fabio. I blinked before I also turned my gaze to them to see Tony standing there, with a smile on his face while his eyes trained on Dante's and I's hand.


"How long have you piccioncini been at it then?"

My eyes widened as Tony smiled at the both of us trying to contain his laughter in. I quickly pull away from Dante and look away timidly, avoiding their gazes.

"Tony, shut the fûck up." Dante growled,

Tony covered his mouth and sniggered while Fabio bite his lips trying to contain his smile. I glance up at Tony and caught him wink at me and thats when I couldn't hide it anymore; they all knew.

"Can't wait to see little versions of yourselves." Tony coughed into his hand.

Much to my surprise, both Tony and Fabio burst out laughing at Tony's little remark, and to say that their comment struck me the most was a lie because when I glanced at Dante, my breath halted for a second.

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now