Chapter sixty seven

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⚠️WARNING ⚠️ readers must be 18+ as this chapter contains mature content.

Like I always advise my angry readers, feel free to masturbate but please, do not under any circumstances, report! I really do not want to torture myself by writing this chapter again.

Song: Everybody loves an outlaw - I see red


Adriana's POV

When we reached the hotel room, I was left speechless because our room was designed erotically beautiful, if that was thing. I was actually quite impressed and in in-denial that his people had done this. As soon as I stepped inside the room, I sensed the tension from all directions and I've yet to speak to Dante about any of this. As soon as we got here, we both changed into a more suitable attire for the night and I couldn't be more ready to have my head slammed onto the pillow.

I stepped out of the restroom as a yawn escaped from my mouth and as soon as I did, the room was dim. My tracks came to an abrupt stop when I glance at Dante who watched me like a hawk. My gaze travels across the room and I didn't miss the cart full of drinks and food that was behind him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked as I approach the bed. Silence lingered in the air as I search for him through the dark room. I bite my lip and tie the silk belt to my robe firmer than before and then walk to the centre of the room to get his attention as he was awfully quiet.

When I reached him, I found Dante sitting back on one of the chairs with a drink in hand. My stomach burned when I saw his appearance; his hair was a complete mess and he had only wore a black pair of lose pants. My eyes trailed toward his body until they meet with his gaze and not even a second later, did I feel a deep sensual feeling just taking over my whole entire body.

"Sì Gattina." he replied after a while and when he did, my stomach rolled. Although Dante had a foreign accent his entire life, times like this always piqued it and it was stronger than ever when he was.... provoked. I blinked a couple of times at him before I sauntered towards the cart filled with food and drink and even glance over at him to see his face.

"Dai...." Dante glance up at me as I leaned on the cart, "all this food is not going to be eaten by me, is it?"

I reached out to grab a strawberry when Dante grabbed my hand and stopped from doing so. I frowned at him while he stood up from his seat and reached me.

"Gattina, who told you this food is for you to eat?" He asked, and I froze against his rock hard chest. He was so close to me that if I turned my head slightly to my right, his lips would meet my head.

"Then Who is it for?" I asked in a whisper as I turned my head and glance up at him,

Dante released my hand and began to caress my face with his finger. He inhaled sharply as he removed my hair from my face, I watch him for a second before my eyes closed as his soft caresses made my eyelids feel so droopy.

Just as I ease to his soft touches, I was caught off guard when he grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked it down so I could face him. As I gaze into his dark, opaque eyes, my lips were taken in between my teeth while I breath heavily.

"How long has it been since you felt this type of way?" He whispered hoarsely as he glared down at me,

"Felt what?" I exhale out as I gulp,

I inhaled deeply when I felt Dante's hand between my legs. His fingers brushed against the lace of my underwear, the most sensitive area. I exhale out as I feel the adrenaline spike in my blood but when Dante continues to rub me through my pants, I close my eyes as my head falls on his chin.

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