Chapter two

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Dante's POV

"Capo, abbiamo un problema"

Fùck! Another fùcking problem!

"Che cosa?" I furiously growled,

"Alcuni dei nostri uomini sono stati trovati morti." Tony announced,

"What the fūck!"

My body shuddered with anger as I glare at Tony who stood at the doorway with his arms crossed against his chest. I just felt the burning desire to just kill someone right now because this was not how I planned all for it to go. If anything else happens, today will be a huge failure because it will bring my mafia down which I feared most.

"Where? How?" I growled in frustration as I run my fingers through my hair while I think of an alternative; I can't have another set of the crew turning up dead at my front door.

Tony stepped into the room and closed the door behind him before he turned back around and approached me. I feel my anger just growing as I sense this calm demeanour from him and just glare at him while I wondered why the fùck was he so calm about all this? Once he reached me, he gave me a small smile when he placed his hand on my shoulders and stared right through my eyes to calm me down.

"You need to calm down." He stated, "Putting up with this tough act will not help you at all, it will only make things worse Dante."

"I really don't understand why a problem like this has highlighted your quietude when really, you should be at rage." I growled, "They killed our men, our fùcking men!"

"I understand you but that's not a way to think like that before you retaliate. Dante, calm down before you take drastic measures that could end up killing you or another of your own."

I watched Tony as I soon began to feel my body just settle with composure; it was the least I could do. Tony is one of my step-brothers that my parents had adopted and ever since he has joined the family, he also joined the mafia because our name carried it all. In my eyes, he was no 'step-brother', he is my brother.

"Where has all this occurred?" I begin to question, "Tony just give me the damn location."

"The attack happened at one of your brothels." He confessed,

"Ok dettagli Tony! Which one?" I clapped my hands as I urged him,

"The private one, the one you often visit." He answered as he rolled his eyes and walked away from me from my failure of understanding him. I sensed his frustration right away and hated the feeling of just being guilt tripped but I have to fight back whether he or no one for a matter of fact, disliked or not.

I knew it from the very beginning that this day would come. I suspected that some motherfùcker would have the balls to challenge me and I was prepared, prepared for all the shít that was coming my way.

Tony's quiet growl knocked me out of my thoughts and I immediately glanced at him. He rubbed his chin as the other hand rested on his hip while it seemed like he was thinking of something to help the situation.

"Before you do anything, I want you to think about the consequence of your actions. If you go down there now, you'll end up dead." He reasoned,

"Do you take me as a fùcking fool Tony? What are you exactly trying to point out, that I'm weak?" I spat at him which made him very angry when he approached me. He was so close, I was able to detect his anger with the furious convulsions his body was experiencing.

"I don't give a shít about what you would look like if you didn't retaliate!" He seethed before he gripped the back of my neck with one of his hand and pulled me even closer. His eyes pinned mine as they were filled with rage. "The point is that they are here to kill you Dante! Are you fùcking dense? For Christ's sake, open your God damn eyes!"

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now