Chapter sixty three

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ readers must be 18+ as this chapter contains mature content.

Adriana's POV

Since it was my birthday today, Dante wanted to do something for the occasion but I refused. I really didn't want to do anything other than stay in with family and hang out with them as that was enough for me however, he insisted. Therefore, I agreed to join Dante on a drive out through the beautiful night and for some gelato.

Our favourite.

Right at this moment, we were at a gelato parlour while Ilaria was at home with mom and Rosalina. This felt so unreal because it felt like Ilaria had been in our lives for years when it's only been a little over a month. We're so occupied that we have little to no time in our hands for each other, which was one of the reason why I agreed to come out with Dante.

I wanted to spend some alone time with him.

Speaking of, I couldn't help but feel so lucky that he was going to be mine forever. The ring he bought me was so beautiful that it would attract my attention whenever as it was huge however, it doesn't symbolise the true love or the meaning of love I have for him. It sure does mark something but nothing as valuable at him.

"So Gattina, you still haven't told me what you want." Dante said as he cut me off of my thoughts.

I glance up at him as he dug into the ice cream that we were sharing, my gaze remained on him as he brought the spoon to his lips and then licked the dessert his spoon. As I watched him like a hawk, Dante gave me a quizzical stare while he waited for my answer so I quickly snapped out of my daze and looked away.

"Are you kidding Dante? What more do I want when you've given me everything so far?"

"Is that so Adriana?" He raises his brows, "Are you sure there is nothing else?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I reply as I push my hair behind my ear and then dig in with him. I watch him as he continued to eat, not really minding me when something appeared in my head. I gaze at the perfect red cherry that sat on top of our melting ice cream before I exhale out.

"I miss how things were before Ilaria." I comment before I scoop a spoonful of ice cream and bring it to my mouth to lick it off. I catch Dante stop scooping the ice cream as he glanced up at me with a raised brow.

"What do you mean?"

"You know... how we used to spend a lot of time together. Visit places, stay in bed and how we'd do stuff together... and to each other."

Dante froze on his seat and he watched me with a determined look. I scooped another spoonful of ice cream and leaned forward when Dante shuffled in his seat, when I glanced up at him I saw that a small smirk curved his lips.

"Stuff to each other?" He questions, "Elaborate Gattina, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me Dante," I counter as I lick the spoon, "you know exactly what I'm talking about."

"I do?" He watches me with his right brow lifted, and then he abandons his spoon. As he did, his fingers folded on each other as he rested his chin on them when his elbow leaned on the table. "Okay well, let me say it then. Do you miss kissing me or do you miss my touch? Is it when I leave you shaking after a small caress to your face, lips or your thighs? Do you remember when we'd used to do it anywhere and everywhere Gattina? Has it been that long that you've forgotten already? Do you miss feeling breathless while I have you writhing underneath me or have you sprawled across a surface while I fuck you until you think you've had enough? Huh?"

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now