Chapter eighteen

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Dante's POV

My stomach turns as I glare at the glass I was holding; it was filled with alcohol. My mind was replaying the same shít over and over again and I couldn't get it out at all. I knew I was still in shock from the events of today because I have never expected this day to come at all. I clench my jaws and gulp the last bit of alcohol in my glass before I throw it on the table, not really having a care in the world if that glass landed on the table in one piece or not.

"We've got the wrong raggaza."

"Dannatamente giusto l'hai fatto!" I growled as I stopped massaging my head and glare at Fabio who watched me with a plain expression. Tony was nowhere to be seen and it frustrated me more. "I want her out of here as soon as possible, we have no time to deal with another problem."

Despite the fact that this woman was the one person I have been yearning to encounter, at this moment I had a change of mind. In fact, I've had a change of mind since years now and I told myself that if I ever see her, I will cut her out or even better; make her life like hell but to come across here today just was so unexpected, I wasn't prepared. I didn't know how to react when I saw Adriana standing right in front of me after many years. At that moment, I began to consider forgiving her because of how vulnerable she looked but then I saw her face and was reminded of what kind of shít she put me through.

She looked so different to the point where she was unrecognisable. Her facial features were more sculptured and pale purely because of the fact that she was so thin. Her hair was long compared from before. It was short years ago as I remembered asking her to grow out her hair because I liked long hair. Physically, she looked unwell and it really had me thinking if she was looked after properly or not?

"Are you out of your fùcking mind?" Fabio muttered. I snap out of my reverie and face him again with a glare. "We can't just let her go like that after we practically abducted her. We don't know who she is! For all we know, she could be a source that could get our dirty asses to fùcking jail!"

I watch Fabio with a confused expression and really wonder if he was dense or not because I did not expect that from him. How does he not know who Adriana is?

"Trust me, she is not going to talk. Just get her out of here as soon as possible." I grab a fistful of my hair and demand Fabio,

"Why are you so eager to let her go? Do you know her?" Fabio asked suddenly after the silence. I glare up at him again before I storm towards him, my jaws clenched as well as my fists.

"I don't know, maybe I do. You fùcking tell me Fabio." I growl,

"What the fùck do you mean?" His brows snapped in a furrow, "Dante do you know her?"

"Dang, that ragazza in there looks so familiar." Both our heads snapped toward the door as Tony walked in confusion written all over his face, "Dante, is she one of your hookups?" He chuckled,

My anger got the best of me when I threw a string of profanities at him that immediately got Tony to be thrown at my behaviour. Both boys watched me with shock as they look at each other, maybe wondering what the fùck happened to me.

"Dante, what is going on? Speak to us." Fabio demanded,

"We kidnapped Adriana..."


"Fùck, I knew it!"

I watch Tony with wide eyes as I furrow my brows and question him with my expression, he looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.

"It wasn't us, it was Nico and Miller. The second I saw her, I knew it was someone we knew." Tony said,

"That's not the point..." Fabio trailed as he turned his gaze back to me, "Adriana... as in your Adriana?"

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