Chapter twenty seven

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Adriana's POV

Since I woke up from my coma, I've learnt that I've been residing in Dante's estate rather than his little hide out, which was quite surprising. One minute he wanted me to leave him alone and the next, he was keeping me close.

It had been a month ever since that incident that resulted in this and not once did any of them except for Dr Araldo questioned me of my actions of the day. In fact, I still can't remember what happened that day. All I am aware of is that I tried to run away from them and then everything from there was just a... blur.

Right now, I was out in the garden trying to take in all the fresh air I can before I was practically demanded to go right back in, under Dante's watch. It really only did leave me exasperated because I felt like I was trapped all over again. I felt content as the cold breeze just swayed past my face, giving me the fresh air I really need. I was sat on the bench on my own as the wind continued to blow on my face before I was interrupted.

"It's time to go back in Adriana."

I open my eyes to meet the gaze that I really had no energy for to face right now. Dante stood in front of me with both his hands buried deep in his pockets. His jaws flexed however, when I looked up at him with a frown, his brows settled a little and his lips were spread out in a thin line.

"I wasn't going to run if that's what you were alarmed about." I retort as I get up from the bench. As I did, Dante pulled his hand out to hold my arm but I flinched away from his hand. "I...I can manage." My voice was shaky as I glare at Dante who had a frown on his face.

I begin to head over to the entrance of the estate as that was the only option for me but before I could get to it, Dante grabbed my arms and pulled me back. I gasped when he turned me around harshly with only one tug as I landed on his firm chest when he hauled me in his arms.

My head collided with his chin as his grasp on my arm was firm and tight. My breath quivered and I look up at him to see how agitated he look; it was like as if he wanted to lash his anger out. My heart was up in my throat because of how close Dante was right now, our bodies collided with each other and there was no way I felt calm about this. My nerves were going wild and my breath... it had left me.

His eyes were bloodshot red and teary as they bounced between mine, his brows were snapped into a furrow and his lips twitched as they were deciding to use the correct terms of words.

"Dante..." I whisper,

"Adriana..." He whispered, "what have I done to make you so frightened of me?"

I blinked a couple of times and each time I did, tears had fallen out of them. My head was hurting so much to the point where I felt as though I needed my head to hit a pillow as soon as possible. I felt my lips quiver as his warmth only began to welcome itself to my body but it was soon cut short when I shook my thoughts away and began to pull myself away from him.

"I asked to be let go once and you refused," I say, "at least don't suffocate me."

Dante immediately pulled away only to realise himself what he was doing. He nodded his head and then began to blink continuously like as if I hadn't realised that his eyes were teary.

Once I gather all my thoughts and feelings, I walk back in having Dante walking away in the opposite direction however, I didn't mind him because I wanted him to be away from me. He needed time to think to himself so let him be, I was definitely not going to run after him.

As I walk back into the estate, my foot came to an abrupt stop when I was met with a person I never thought I would see in my entire life again... well, that was until I had met Dante once again.

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now