Chapter four

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Adriana's POV


My life is miserable without you.

The only person I yearn to see since the last 5 years have past but every time I come to think about it, it kills me to be reminded that I can't because he is no more. The last 5 years have been the most torturous days of my life, at this point I was desperate for anything to happen just so Antonio can leave.

I never understood why Antonio does what he does but he never gets tired of it. There will be days where he would show the gentle side of him but then, there are most days where he is ruthless to me, that ruthless that I'd think I wouldn't live to see the next day. Though on some days Antonio was really gentle and loving toward me, I would still be intimidated because it's just the fear of pissing him off. If I did, I would be beaten until I was unable to move, I would be beaten to pulp. I will never understand why he does what he does and hope that I see light of an escape.

Last time I've seen Antonio was when he threw me into shame in his brothel and I never saw him after that, I didn't want to, in fact I was ready to kill him. What he did was by far the worst he has ever done to me and I was never going to get over it. I cried for days because of how much he put me through just to punish me. At the time, I was helpless and I couldn't do anything, but now when I think back I always get frustrated at the fact that I did nothing to stop him. I think about all the things I could've done to just stop him but my weakness just prevents me from doing so. My jaws clenched and my fists roll into a ball when I think of Antonio; the most disgusting, cruelest and repulsive man living on good earth.

Ever since Dante died, I hated my life and could never see a future because it felt so wrong to think about it without having Dante in them. I think about all the things I could've done with him; get married, have children and a house of our own but that was never going to happen. I cry myself to sleep everyday knowing that I'd probably have to live like this for the rest of my life. I'd rather die and be with Dante then marry a monster, a rapist and a heartless man.


I glance over my shoulder to find mom at my door. As soon as she made eye contact with me, her face was painted with a frown. My body relaxed as she spoke to me; her warm smile enlightened me and her words always warmed my heart.

"Mom, come in." I welcomed her and as soon as she entered the room, she broke down right in front of me. "Mom, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" I asked as I embraced her into a hug. I tried my hardest not to break down too because I've done enough of that. If mom saw this, she would break even more.

"Cara, look at you. I can't see you like this anymore. I want you out of here." She cried, the daunting nightmares came rushing to me and remained in my head as tears formed in my eyes while mom continued to talk. I couldn't take the pain anymore, I couldn't watch her cry.

"Mom," I croak and shake my head feebly, "I can't leave you here."

"Adriana, I told you. Don't-"

"Mom, I love you so much and I respect you but I am going to refuse your ideas, in fact I'm not going to encourage it. We have discussed this before and it is not going to happen." I argued as I cut her off. My face was straight and plain as I spoke and I made sure I left no more room to argue.

"What is not going to happen?" A familiar voice came between us and it instantly made my spine just straighten in shock and fear, my eyes widened as I looked at mom with a terrified expression, she shook her head before she turned around.

I turn my gaze to the door as I follow Mom to find Destefano standing next to the door frame with his arms crossed against his chest. His face was void with any emotions as he glared at both of us which gave me the chills.

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