Chapter fifty nine

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Adriana's POV


My heart hammered in my chest as both our gazes meet for the nth time today and this feeling was great. I felt nervous, tremendously nervous that my palms had become sweaty. I was so tempted to just do it but I was too afraid to embarrass myself. The best thing for me to do right now was just walk away; I would save myself from embarrassment. Never have I ever thought I would be in this situation ever again but here we are, once again meeting each other.

His brown-hazel eyes gaze deeply into me as they caught my eyes. His brows twitched for a second as they were settled. His face did not hold any expressions which had only made me more nervous because I had no idea what he wanted right now. Even if I
move right now, I knew for a fact I would just die of embarrassment.

I blink continuously as I contemplated on what to do next however, my whole body including my brain had shutdown suddenly when he leaned in and kissed my lips.

My heart leaped out of my chest.

This is what I definitely wanted.

At first, I froze against his lips as they were moving against mine but when I finally gained my sense back, I immediately responded. A thrilling sensation filled my whole system as his soft and plump lips were against mine; this is what I wanted so I was going to use this opportunity to my fullest.

We kissed under the moonlight as I reached closer to him until we felt like we had enough.

I pulled away from him, flustered as I'll ever be because I lost my self-control. I kissed him when I told myself that I wouldn't. I kissed him despite knowing that he was one of my fathers business associates.

No harm done.


"I...I'm sorry." I say as I pull away from him only to have him pull me back towards him. I landed directly back on his chest with a small grunt before I gaze up at him again. God, he is so beautiful.

"What're you apologising for Gattina, I'm the one who kissed you first."

Right at this instance, I was sure I had become red as a tomato because he was correct. Why the heck was I apologising when he was the one to kiss me first?

I gaze up at him as he watched me with a challenging stare before I pulled away from him and smiled sheepishly.

"What I meant was, I'm sorry for kissing you back. It will never happen again." I say as I lick my lips and then stare back him.

"Ve bene." He said and then buried his hands in his pockets. I clenched my jaws as I felt so hot; he was just so undeniably attractive and I found it very difficult to handle that. "We'll see about that. Ciao gattina, I'll see you soon."

My eyes had popped out of their sockets as I watched this man walk away with such confidence, that I never knew existed. I felt like I was letting myself into something much more than that and it was dangerous but I liked that. Just based on one kiss, I felt like he had me dancing around his fingers already and that was so bad. So, very bad.

If this is what it feels like to just kiss Dante Lombardi then I would be damned.

But still, the kiss was totally worth it....


The reality of my life all begun when I got a taste of my senses once again; why did this feeling feel so familiar to me?

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