Chapter thirty eight

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A beautiful cover made by the talented @nagapriya
Thank you so much love for the 9 covers including this one! I appreciate it.


Adriana's POV

"Oh boy..."

I feel my hands trembling by my side despite having one hand held by Dante's. I felt like I was being watched by the whole world because from here, it seemed as though there were thousands of people present right now in this party.

"What's wrong?"

I glance over my shoulder to see Dante watch me with concern, he nudged me a little to get my attention but I shook my head. I unlocked my fingers from his and then pull away from him. Just by my actions, I could tell that Dante was floored because he was obviously not expecting me to do that.

"Nothing... y-you go ahead, I'll join later."

Dante glanced at me with his brows knitted together before he took my hand in his again and held it firmly against his own hand.

"I'm not going down without you gattina."

"Dante, I can't do this... I mean, look at how-"

"Hey! Hey, don't worry about that. I will be by your side all the time, just don't focus on those people, focus on me." He lifted my hand up to his lips and kissed it, "I promise you will be fine as long as I am with you."

I gulped as I watched Dante with the jitters; he really was not going to let me go. Once I realised this, I curl my hand around his and close my eyes for a second to compose myself or at least, stop myself from trembling. We walked down the stairs and before I knew it, we were already at the bottom of the stairs. As soon as Dante reached the bottom floor, men flooded towards his direction as they greeted him.


Since Dante was speaking to the multiple men that were invited to his party, I was alone. However, when someone greeted me from behind, I turned around and smiled hugely. Mia stood behind me with a beautiful grin before she held my hand and admired me.


"Oh my God, Adriana you look absolutely stunning." She gasped as she examined my attire, "Did Dante give you this?"

"Yes." I nodded my head and couldn't help but blush when Mia smirked at me,

"What have you done to my brother Adriana? Seriously, it is unusual for him go shopping for a dress. Wow." She whispered as she watched me in disbelief, "Honestly, where is that man?"

"Oh.." I turn around to look for Dante as my eyes scan the whole hall; one minute he was here and the next he was gone. "He was just-"

"Come along with me." Mia cut me off when she practically dragged me to the other side of the hall. After a few seconds of walking and pushing past people, we finally stopped moving when I saw the people that I actually recognised.

My heart skipped a beat once again when Dante came to sight despite the fact that I had in fact seen him before anyone else did because he was just so breathtakingly beautiful. Next to him stood Fabio and the rest of the guys, however, the only one that stood out to me was of course, Dante.

Just as I thought things would settle, my heart dropped when Rosalina walked towards us. It was not the fact that she had attended this party because we were all expecting her to be here but it was the man that followed her.

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