Chapter seven

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Adriana's POV

It was Friday today which meant there were two days left before the wedding and I was dreading it. Two days left until my life turns into a complete utter mess and I was not prepared for this at all. No matter what may come that day, I know I didn't have the strength to get through it.

"Cara, there is nothing to worry about. I can assure you that we will get through this."

Right now, I was having a mini panic attack in mom's room wondering how we were going to get away from something that seems impossible. This was my life now and there was no way I was going to get away. If there was a time to get away from this, it would've been the day I met Antonio, but unfortunately it didn't happen because I realised too late.

"M-mom..I don't know..." I begin to have seconds thoughts when I shake my head and look away from mom. I didn't want to risk anything, certainly not mom's life.

"Tesoro... no.. think about this; what are you going to do?" She asks,

I set my gaze on her face to try and figure out what she was trying to say until she placed her hands on my flat stomach. My hands curled up to a ball as my nails dig into my palms. I've never really thought about my pregnancy like any normal woman would because I couldn't.

"You need to break the news... at least to Antonio." She finally said; her words left me frightened. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up and my heart suddenly ached as it dropped down to my stomach. My body felt clammy as I was sweating under my mother gaze, she was trying to figure out my answer. The most frightening thing ever was to tell Antonio that I was carrying his child.

I furrow my brows and move away from mom because there was no way I was going to tell Antonio because I've realised that he was not going to understand at all.

"No mom, he wouldn't understand would he?"

"I don't know but he has the right to know. After all, he is the father of this child. Of your child." Mother said as she reminded me.

I close my eyes shut and clench my jaws as I feel tears just roll down my cheeks. I couldn't do this at all; I wanted to leave Antonio right away but if I think about it, it's impossible. I could die, mom could die... someone will die.

"It's okay Adriana, take your time. You don't need to tell him just yet. No one will rush you into anything." She assures,

"Thank you mom..for everything." I smile feebly, "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Of course I will be there for you at all times. You are my only daughter and I love you with all my heart tesoro."

"I love you too."


The days were going by very fast; it was already the day before the wedding and I began to lose hope. I had so many conflicting questions and thoughts about this because of the fact that I was carrying a baby. If something were to happen to me, then my baby would be affected too. I felt responsible of two lives, I couldn't risk anything at all.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps getting louder as they were approaching towards my room so I shot my gaze up to the door to see Antonio walk in.

"Are you okay prekrasnyy?" He asked as he began to undress himself,

I nod my head and looked away for a second before I turn my glance back to him when I noticed a huge mark on his neck. I furrowed my brows and stood up from the bed before I approached him, however I kept a safe distance from him.

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