Chapter forty nine

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Dante's POV

"This is all just a clusterfùck."

My brow lifted as I skim-read through the documents that were shipped to us from home as it really could not wait. Since there was a possible fùcking rat on our side, I instructed Juliàn to send over all drafts of our accounts, as well as documents of the other properties I own over to Italy so I could once again, go over them and make any changes where necessary. While speaking with Juliàn, he informed me that while we were away, a couple more of our shipments were stolen. That was the last straw to be pulled; I needed to go home right away.

"Oh you think?" Fabio exclaimed as sarcasm laced his voice, he rubbed his face in exasperation, "Seriously, all this does not add up at all."


"Who was the last one to encounter Luca before he supposedly 'died'?" Fabio enquired, and immediately, it was like as if realisation settled upon me however, I was not sure of what though. I drop the papers down and glanced at Fabio before my gaze returned to Tony who stood there with realisation also on his face.

"Mario." Tony revealed, "What? You think Mario is the mole?"

Fabio just shrugged his shoulders before he returned back to his seat and rested back on it like he had enough. He ran his hand through his hair as he released a tired sigh. Even though Mario was one of us, I couldn't help but wonder if this was a coincidence or if Mario was really the mole in our family. The thought was cut short when Constantino appeared in my mind and all my doubts on Mario suddenly vanished. I raise a brow at him before I walk around the table to grab myself a glass of vodka and then turn around to face him.

"Fratello, that is one big fat accusation you're throwing." I sign as I gulp down my glass,

"I'm not accusing him of anything, it's just a thought that literally ran across my mind right now. It might even be that Mario was there at the wrong time and now we're getting a wrong impression."

"Although we are not accusing him, I'm still going to search because I have my doubts." I say, "When we're back tomorrow, the first thing we do is scrap the blueprints we already have and create new ones. Therefore, Tony the first thing you have to do is visit Micheal and discuss new plans with him. The shipments that were stolen from us requires to be replaced as soon as possible or else we will have nothing to defend ourselves with. Juliàn informed me that while the shipments were taken, the còcksuckers bítches damaged our warehouse."

"What?" Fabio piped, "How the fùck did they manage to do that?"

"I have no idea," Anger courses through my blood as the grip around the glass I was holding was getting harder, harder enough for me to just break it. "and I have a very good feeling it has something to do with Constantino."

Tony stood up from his seat as he watched me with perplexity.

"Are... are you sure you want to be saying that?" He faltered, "Come on Dante, that is one hell of an accusation you are throwing, he's our father!"

Before I could answer back at Tony, to inform him how our shit father was capable of doing anything, Mia frantically rushed into the room.

"Dante," she called out frantically, "it's Adriana."

"What?" I panicked as I dropped my glass and immediately sprinted towards the room. The rest of them followed behind me because once I reached her room, I realised that they were actually all behind me.

As Adriana was laying on the floor with her eyes completely shut I reach her, trying to figure out what the fùck was going on. She was completely fine last night and this morning when I had left her.

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now