Chapter thirty one

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Adriana's POV

I felt a tickle on my nose as I breath through it, once the tickle got unbearable my hand immediately traveled to my nose to rub it. Just as I rub my face, I begin to collect all my senses; what day was it?

I flicker my eyes open when I realise how the sunlight beamed through the room, immediately chasing my sleep away. Just as I regain consciousness from sleep, I feel a presence in the room.

"Oh..." I gasp as I sit up on the bed and rub my eyes. My stomach was still sore from recovering but I tried to make it seem as if I was okay because I have really had enough of them caring too much for me or being too scared to even touch me.

"Buongiorno gattina."

I blink a couple of times as Dante stood at the foot of my bed with a small smile before it vanished when I pulled a face.

"Morning." I whispered, "What time is it?" I groan as I look away from Dante,

"Time for you to get up and eat." My head snaps up to meet his gaze again and when it does, I notice how he was carrying a tray with a bowl and a cup of juice on it.

"What...?" I rest back,

"It's breakfast Adriana, haven't you ever heard of that before?" He chuckled before he began to walk closer to me,

"Of course I have," I rolled my eyes, "but why have you brought it up here?"

"Why else do you think I got food up here sciocca?" He began to set the tray down. My eyes follow everything in front of me and I notice how there was a bowl of fruits, bowl of oatmeal and a glass of juice, "It's breakfast in bed gattina, for you."

"No.. Dante you didn't have to do this." I begin to protest as realisation settles upon me while he continued to set up the tray, "I can eat downstairs with everyone else."

"But I don't want you to eat with the rest. I want you to have breakfast alone with me."

Just by what Dante had confessed only spread an unusual feeling across my chest, my heart pumped in my chest and my breath shortened. I watch Dante with a surprised look while he gave me a small frown; what on earth was happening? I've never seen Dante in such a good mood ever since I have gotten here and to see him like this only intimidated me more because what if he suddenly snapped back?

"O-okay.." I faltered, I was clearly as loss of words.

Dante gave me a satisfied nod before he stood up from the bed and grabbed another tray that sat on the coffee table on the other side of the room. My eyes widened as he sat in front of me with the tray; he really was not kidding about eating breakfast with me.

When Dante settled on the bed, we began to eat our food in silence. My heart palpitated as I glance up at him, I caught him chomping on his fruits before and I couldn't help but not keep a straight face.

"What is it?"

I glance up at him again to see his gaze boring into my eyes like as if he was surprised. The small grin that was held by my lips was immediately dropped as I return to my food, playing around with it before I took a spoonful of oatmeal in my mouth.

"Nothing," I shake my head and then look up at me with that smile erupting from my lips, "I never thought you'd be the kind of person to have breakfast in bed. You never were that kind of person... for as long as I could remember."

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