Chapter fourteen

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Dante's POV

It was the shooting pain that disturbed my sleep that when I regained consciousness, the ache began to progressively get worse. I shifted on the surface underneath me as I try to remember what happened that gave me a headache like a fùcking bitch.

I open my eyes finally to see that I was in my room. The familiar plain ceiling that glared right back at me every morning I wake up was right in front of me and I was getting sick of it. I bring my hand to my face and began to rub it as I remember the events of last night, the only problem was that I couldn't remember a single fùcking thing.

My body froze against the sheets when I soon feel another presence right next to me. I turn my gaze to my left to see a blonde woman sleeping soundly next to me. I feel the rush of anger filling my system as I begin to realise what had just happened before I sit up however, as I did, I sat up too quickly because I felt like the world was spinning.

"Fùck.." I groan,

She shifted a little in her sleep before she stretched her whole body under the sheets. When she stretched, her eyes opened a little and when they did, my nostrils flared because all it screamed was fùcking danger.

"Good morning handsome." She greeted with a croaky sleepy voice, her body was wrapped around with the sheet as she continued to lay there however, she was staring up at me like I was enjoying her fùcking company.

If all I just wanted her out of here as soon as possible.

All I remembered from yesterday's events was that me and the boys went out to drink. I probably had one too many and now have ended up with a fùcking puttana to deal with.

I groaned as the remaining alcohol from last night still had an affect on me; it made me wonder actually how much I drank. I felt my head spinning as I attempted to leave the bed but I felt so bedridden, I began to suspect that she might have done something to me.

I glance over to her to see her blonde hair just sprawled over everywhere on the pillow she laid in. She blinked a couple of times and smiled at me despite the couple of times I threw her a death glare. Seemed like this bítch was not fazed by the cold behaviour I was giving her. It was either that or that she was a dense stupid bítch.

"How good was last night?" I asked as I continued to rub my eyes,

"Pretty good." She replied. I felt her slowly curling her arms around me but I flinched away immediately.

"I can't really say the same because it's too bad that I can't remember a single fûcking thing. Get out." I spat,

"Not a single fùcking thing?" She said and I glanced over my shoulder after a few seconds to see the audacity she had to speak back at this point; I expected her to be running a mile away now. "You don't remember dragging me to your room just so you could fùck me as hard as you can." She began to bat her eyelashes and curl even more on the bed like it was her own bed.

I felt my jaws ticking as it clenched, I was going to lose it any minute now.

"What is your name puttana?" I asked,

"Lucy," she replied as she began to move away from the bed. My teeth began to grind against each other as I felt as though the anger in my system was building up each second that passes by. It was the fact that I couldn't remember who she was even if I was trying to because I never have actually met this woman in my entire life.

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