Chapter seventeen

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Adriana's POV


I try to process this; I mean how could I? The man that I have been worried sick about for a few days was now standing in front of me like he was meant to be here. My heart dropped when I watch Matt just give me a small smile, like an assuring one but I wasn't convinced or 'assured' like I should be because something was definitely not right here; Matt shouldn't be here because it's dangerous. My stomach turned as I watch Matt and ignore my surroundings.


"You have a friend to be by your side twenty-four-seven therefore, there is no need to worry about being alone. Fiore." I dart my gaze back at Fabio who pulled away from me and walked back to the door. My jaws dropped as I begin to realise what is going on. Fabio looks at Matt when they both share a nod before he turned around and left with all his men that cornered me earlier. Once they left, Matt turned to me and walked to the corner I was sitting at.

"Adriana, I'm here don't worry." He assured me as he reached out to hold my hand however, I pull away from him. I watch him in shock as well as confusion because I had no idea what was going on. I wanted to know his story so I gave him a pleading look.

"Matt, What is going on? Where were you? Why are you here?" I bombard,

"I work with Dante." He revealed and my jaw dropped again,

I felt my eyes pop out their sockets as I watch Matt with a shocked expression. I was completely gobsmacked by this revelation that I needed more time to process this than I thought I would need. I knew something like this would happen but for it to be confirmed was more shocking than ever because how would I have known or guessed correctly? Matt worked for Dante all this time so how didn't I notice?

"What?" My voice shook, "Matt, what are you talking about?"

Matt scooted closer to me after I moved away from him because I didn't think I want to be close to him after finding out how he had lied to me. This was in fact a huge lie and for it to come fork Matt was beyond everything. I thought I could trust him, I thought he was meant to be a therapist and be honest with me. All these years, I thought I was letting out all my emotions on a person that knew nothing about my past but I was completely wrong.

"I'm sorry that it came to this Adriana, I should've told you before but I knew you'd practically cut me off when that's not healthy."

I was lost for words. I had not idea what to say to him because I really did not expect this at all. My body was trembling because the one person I thought that would always be honest with me turned out to be the biggest liar I have met in my life. I was gutted because I realised that whatever I told Matt, he knew everything from before hand.

"I..I don't understand... you've known Dante all this time while I was telling you about him?" I felt tears threatening to spill out because if Matt answered this with a 'yes', I would feel like I have been betrayed for a life time.


I couldn't help but break down after he answered; how could he betray me like this? I didn't know what to say to him because I certainly did not expect this. Though Matt staying with me from now should be something I preferred or feel relieved about, at this moment I wanted to be far away from him because I didn't want to look at him at all or be near him.

"Adriana, please don't cry. I can explain." Matt said as he held my hand. I immediately pull away from him and shake my head, hiding my face.

"I don't want to hear it Matt. Just leave me alone."

DON AMORE (Mafia Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now