Chapter fifty four

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Song: Sia - titanium

Adriana's POV

As my senses had finally arouse, I began to feel every nerve in my body burning with need. My legs were stiff and my hands were resting on my stomach. My eyes open as soon as I feel a settling breeze brush past my face; as soon as I open my eyes I was greeted with sunlight.

On a second thought, what time was it?

The interior of this room was decorated elegantly in red and gold; red walls, gold vases and flowers and a thick plush red carpet. Expensive furnitures were scattered around this room but in a neat manner, this room was just so beautiful.

However, I had one question repeating over and over in my head; where am I?

As my limbs felt like they were about to fall off, I stretched a little to get rid of the fatigue and along so doing that, a huge yawn escaped from my mouth. I slowly and carefully sit up before I remove the covers from myself, instantly experiencing the dullest ache on my stomach.

"Dante...?" I groaned as I pull myself up from the bed to get on my feet however, as soon as my feet touches the ground, I find myself having no control over my balance as my head began to spin.

As I had lost control, I had anticipated a fall or some sort of excruciating pain from a fall but I had not experienced any of that in fact, I felt comfort and cozy when I was tucked into an embrace.

"Dante?" I called out and turned around to see his face.

The fact that I felt so disoriented was not the reason why I had a thought that maybe I was hallucinating because everything felt pretty much realistic. When I turned around to see who I thought was Dante, my heart thoroughly dropped through my stomach.

I thought I had stopped breathing for a while when I was staring at the one individual I thought I would never ever encountered again for the rest of my life. My emotions were indescribable as I contemplate about what to do in that exact moment; I had no idea.

Antonio stood right besides me, holding me like he was never going to let go.

As we did not speak a word, nightmares came tumbling down to me and instantly, I was trembling. I was so intimidated, the first thing I did was cautiously stare at him, trying to protect myself from his hands. I also involuntarily took this chance to scrutinise his appearance as he was at such close proximity. Antonio has aged a lot ever since our last encounter, he had specs of white hair appearing from the side of his head. His eyes were clouded with fatigue and his smile lines were more visible not that they were invisible years back, they were just prominent right now.

"Adriana," he whispered and as soon as he did, I snapped out of my reverie and felt a tear slide down my cheek as well as a burning sensation crawling to my feet. "it's really a pleasure to meet you again."

Right at that moment, our very last encounter ran past my mind and instantly, a chill ran up my spine.

He was going to kill me...

I slowly but cautiously pull away from his hold and just settle myself back on the bed, all while realising how much of a danger I was in at this very moment. Where is Dante? Why am I here? What do I do now?

"W-where... am I?" I shudder as I clutch onto the sheets, avoiding all eye contact with him.

From my field of vision, all I could see was his pair of feet. My heart thrashed in my chest as I felt the overgrowing fear just envelope me. With Antonio at such close proximity to me, I knew I couldn't do anything to keep myself safe but it was just my hopes of prayer that I felt was protecting me. My eyes filled with tears to the brim because I felt as though this was it, my time of running from him has come to end.

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