Chapter fifty

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Song - Quit by Ariana Grande & Cashmere Cat

Adriana's POV

"You're pregnant."

This kind of revelation was never anticipated, especially at a time like right now. In fact, getting this kind of news from Dante himself was quite unusual because if it was true, I should be the first to know... well that's what I know.

My stomach did a somersault as I watch Dante with wide-eyes while he sat in front of me with what looked like a huge frown. My heart palpitated in my chest because adrenaline pumped in my vein, I had no idea why. Was it the fact that right now, I have another life growing inside of me? Or the fact that I was going to have a baby with my one and only... finally.

"How... how do you know?"

"Dr Rovetto confirmed it at the hospital back in Italy."

"Dante..." I gulped, "why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

Dante pulled away from my hold before he looked away as agitation filled his face. At first, I was confused but then, disbelief settled itself in my system because the longer I waited for Dante to reply, I realised that he had no excuse. It's been nearly a week since we arrived back from Italy so he had multiple opportunities to inform me about the pregnancy, surely he must had a plausible excuse for his actions or else I wouldn't be sitting in front of Dante right now in distraught. Right this moment, I felt my stomach just turning as I sit on the bed, the fact that I'm pregnant still had not yet sunk in. I needed time, assurance, evidence.

"Dante, why didn't you tell me this?"

"I don't know." He growled frustratedly before he stood up from the bed and walked away.

My stomach dropped as I witnessed Dante's unusual behaviour; this was definitely not the reaction I was expecting to see.

"What?" I ask incredulously as I get out of bed, "Dante, you're being implausible."

"Maybe I am because I can't think straight while you're talking over me! Jesus Adriana..."

I froze in my spot as I watch Dante with perplexity; never has there ever been a day where Dante raised his voice at me. I watch Dante in front of me agitated as ever as he continued to avoid my gaze. My fists roll into a ball as I wait impatiently for him to say what he needs to say but when he doesn't say anything, it was then that realisation settles upon me.

"Dante, do you even want this baby?" I ask with a shaky voice. Dante glanced at me one last time before he stormed off to the restroom, leaving me trembling in my thoughts.

I can't believe this.

By the time I was snapped out of my reverie, tears had already stained my face and I didn't realise it until I felt them streaming down my face. I scoffed to myself when I glance at the restroom door before I wipe my face with the back of my hand.

So what if Dante didn't want this baby? So what? If he doesn't want this baby then it's fine, I will do everything to raise this baby the way how I want to and all on my own if I have to. I will cherish this pregnancy and baby with or without Dante, I will love this baby more than I love Dante.

My hand travels to my flat stomach and instantly, my heart fluttered at the familiar feeling. The fact that Dante doesn't want the baby broke my heart, it completely shattered me. Although I've been through a lot worse, this type of rejection was beyond everything I've been through; it was the worst one yet.

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