Chapter thirty six

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Adriana's POV

The only thing that was heard in this disgusting room was my soft whimpers and the water dripping from the tap that had clearly not been sealed properly. My back was aching as the cold air was exposed to it and my stomach rumbled. I haven't seen daylight in what felt like years and now, I was waiting for the one person that I really did not want to see.

Suddenly, the door opened finally shedding in some light and my eyes stung from the sudden exposure of the light. They were so sensitive that it took me a while to figure out the person who entered through the door.

"Vstan' i dvigaysya! v nastoyashcheye vremya!"

I manage to look up to see two of Antonio's men that I recognised enter and tower me with their huge frames. I cower away from them and tremble against the floor as I try to tuck myself in to the corner of the room although I was practically squished to the wall. This place was filthy and the shocking thing was that I have survived in this room for the past two days.

Before I knew it, one of the men grabbed my arm and then began to drag me towards the exit. I yelped out in pain before I cried because fear masked my whole body, I had no idea where they were taking me and every time this happened, it would always end up really bad.

Fear and anxiety crippled in my stomach when as I walked further, Antonio came into my sight. I hadn't seen him in a few days and to see him now only intimidated me more.

However, when I came to realisation of what was happening right now my heart sank to the lowest points. Antonio stood there while there was a woman on the floor, lifeless as anyone could ever be and broken. My eyes trail to her whole body and I notice how she was not conscious before I dark my gaze back at Antonio who was buckling his belt.

My breath hitched when Antonio reaches me and when he does, his hand caresses my as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I missed you so much detka."

I pull away from his hand and watch the girl that was on the floor behind him. My breath hitched and tears had fallen out of my eyes when I was snapped out of the shock.

"Antonio, what have you done to her?" I pull away from him and start to approach the lifeless woman on the floor. Once I reached her, I noticed how badly beaten she was and instantly, my heart shattered for her because I knew exactly what Antonio had just done to her. "What have you done?" I whimpered as I take her hand in mine and hold it.

"Detka," He says and I look up at him, "she said that she thought I could do better without you so I had to teach her a lesson."

My breath shivers at his calm demeanour, there was definitely something wrong with him.

"Antonio no," I shake my head as my voice breaks, "that doesn't make any sense. Y-you... you can't do...that." I struggle to find the words to say to him because either way, I knew how badly I would get the beating for it. Even now, just by saying this, I know what I was going to get.

Just like I was anticipating, Antonio grabbed my hair and pulled me up away from the poor girl that was lying down on the floor. I whimpered as I grab his hand to stop gripping my hair like that. When I look at him, his face was painted in anger and rage.

"Don't you ever fùcking dare tell me what I can and cannot do." He growled into my ear, "I fùcked this suka because she did not like the fact that you have me, I fùcked her because I am yours, so if anyone is at fault, it's you."

My insides quiver as I close my eyes and tremble against him; there was no way I was at fault in any of this however, I always knew that he was going to put this on me. A cry escapes out of my lips when Antonio grabbed my hair again and dragged me towards him. Before I knew it, we were already in the room where he hurled me to the bed.

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