Chapter eleven

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Dante's POV

"You have any idea why people like you end up fùcking dying like this?"

I was in rage as all I could see was red; I was going to fùcking kill this mafankulo. My fists were rolled into a ball as I grab hold of my gun and move his head upwards with it so he could face me. Right now I was facing a snake, a mole, a fùcking traditore.

"Giuro su Dio I had no idea I was associating with one of them! Had I known, I wouldn't have considered them a partyor shared any of the details with them."

My fùcking ass!

I watched this man with bitterness and anger that I was so ready to place a bullet into his fùcking head! We were working on selling a piece land for months so he had multiple amount of times to recognise or smell a fùcking rat, but he clearly didn't do that because everyone in this room knew that he was working for them. He did this on purpose and I was so going to send him to his grave right away.

"Lies upon lies Roderick! You fùcking liar!" I grab his collar and yank him towards me while my gun was positioned under his chin, "You caused a huge loss to my business; because of you, I have fùcking lost nearly a million dollars. You knew that that fùcking son of a bítch Elio was working with our enemy but you still went and made sure the land was open to him! Not to mention the fùcking business that he does gives us more reason why we shouldn't work with him."

"I'm sorry Dante, give me a second chance please!"

"You know what you are? You are a fùcking traitor and I don't like them so I definitely need to do something about it!"

"You wouldn't have to do that if you listen to me!" He began to panic as he struggled out of his chair, "Fabio, help me out!"

"Shut the fùck up!" I growl, "No one is going to help you right now because everyone in this room knows what you exactly did. In fact, we have proof of what you did." I move away from him and continue to glare him at as he suddenly watches me and the boys with wide eyes, it was like as if realisation had dawned upon him that there was no way out of this. He was going to die today.

I glance over my shoulder to see Fabio standing there with his arms crossed while a tired look was occupying his face, like as if he knew that this Roderick bítch was going to fùcking die any minute now. Tony just yawned and rolled his eyes as leaned on the table. We were all tired of his excuses and he was one dumb motherfùcker for thinking that he could get away from something like this.

"Tell me why the fùck you did what you did? We fùcking fed you, helped you, heck even kept you despite knowing your fùcked up past!"

He was silent for a few minutes before he glared up at all of us. Rage filled his face as he clenched his fists and then began to yell like an animal.

"To hell with your help! If anything, you made my life a living fùcking hell!" He yelled, "All this time I worked for you, you did not do absolute shít for me. All you ever did was cause me grieve and everyone around you who works for you. Dante you're a piece of scum, you know that!"

I clenched my jaws and targeted him again with my gun as what he had to say was all bullshít! My hands secured the gun while my fingers were ready to pull the trigger.

"Then I shall end that hell of a life you say you have. Good-fùcking-bye Roderick, we'll soon meet in hell."

I finally pull the trigger putting that first bullet into his head and instantly, he stopped squirming on the chair. Blood spilled out of his head as he lay on the chair with both his eyes opened; there certainly was no life in them. I hurl the gun to the other side of the room and roar as this was not enough justice for me. Killing this motherfùcker does nothing at all, it will not get me back my money that he purposely gave away. Keeping Roderick was a huge mistake because it cost me a fortune, because of his sticky rat-ass, I've lost a lot so I had to do something about it. If I didn't, Elio would be coming back for more, but this time it could be something else. My blood was boiling in my body as I watch his dead body for a few second before I turn away and walk towards the other direction.

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