Chapter two: Day 1

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Ai, dare I call her mother, led me into her large mansion with clear white walls and perfectly polished floors. I had never been in a mansion before, barely even a nice home! Obviously Ai had been filthy rich. And I had now to, which, if I do say so myself, was a quite pleasing thought.

Ai brought me into her parlor which had brown walls and floors and wide windows which had been bigger than my home back in New York. She gave me a cup of tea and rested her glasses back perfectly on her nose.

"Your stepfather doesn't live with us at the moment." She told me as soon as I sat down, as if I cared. "He hasn't been living with us since our marrige. Sad, isn't it? I wouldn't expect much from my third marriage anyway. He's too busy with his work than going to his father and mother's home to take care of them. He doesn't seem to visit his own wife or step-son or even your grandmother anymore." She sipped her tea as I carefully listened to her life story, now being some what interested. "His parents are getting sicker and sicker day by day. He acts like he cares, but he told that he doesn't care whether or not they dropped dead on the floor." She paused, waiting for me to respond, but I didn't. "I would have thought he would come to visit us once in a while instead of his poor-ass parents, but no..."

"That's terrible!" I chimmed in. She took another sip of her tea. "His parents are real fools, anyway. Rather give to the poor them save money for themselves! Huh! More like rubbing it in the rich's, as ourselves, faces, which many find disturbing. I'm surprised they weren't hanged! I could see the evil in her eyes. How could this be my mother?

"I didn't know people could be hanged in Japan!"

"They can't, well now a days, but the government can pull out that old contraption any day know." She took another sip as a tall boy looking around my age with white hair, much like mine, and a black hairline underneath. It looked much like Ai's. His eyes were white, which was something I've never seen before. He was wearing a school uniform. I most have lost track, It had been Monday, hadn't it?

"Ma." He said, standing behind her. "Who's this?"

Ai looked up at the boy. "Hatsuharu, meet your step-sister, Shizuko.

Hatsuharu looked down at me. I could see the resemblence to mom now, even though he was part of her 1st marriage and I was part of her 2nd. "Huh." He looked at me for a while. It kind of scared me.

"Well, hey." He said, taking a seat next to Ai. "I've heard some about you from ma." He said. I'm surprised mom actually remembered about me up until now. Hatsuharu really didn't say anything else while Ai told me about my new school and stuff. Ouran High School. All I could really think about it was there was going to be a buttload of snobs.

A tall green haired maid lead me to my room which had been surprisingly big depending how much mom hated me, or atleast I assumed. The floors and walls were the same; tan marble . There was a small red carpet right infront of my large, king sized bed. I barely had a bed back in New York. No matter how much I am enjoying this luxary, it still couldn't compare to my comfy home and comfy city and my father who showed me he cared about my well being. I couldn't say the same about Ai, again, dare I call her mother, which is a figure I couldn't imagine for her.

As I unpacked, my door opened with a loud sound, which was the first floor of this house that I discovered. It wouldn't do me good when I wanted to sneak out in the middle of the night. I looked at whomever needed me, and it had been that very maid, bringing me a blanket. "Good evening Miss. Shizuko" She bowed to me. "Pleasure to see you again. Here, I brought in some blankets. It does get cold here at night, don't let that heavy comforter on you bed fool you, even though it looks like it, I don't believe it will keep you much warmth. I stared at the comforter on my bed, seeing how impossible it was that it wasn't warm, and that the maid just made an excuss to come in here. She just smiled at me. "Uh, thanks, maid lady."

She looked up at ne with her red eyes, nevertheless, they looked welcoming. "Call me Emiko, that is my name, of course. Emiko Yamamoto, at your service!" She said euthusatically and smiled at me once more. "Thanks" I said, friendlier this time. "You may leave now, Emiko.

Emiko left the room after placing both gray blankets on my bed next to the suitcase as I unpacked. Though when she left, the door didn't shut, and I wandered why the door hadn't been closed. I turn around to find Hatsuharu at the door. "Need help?" he asked me. I shook my head no.

"Okay." He said, welcoming himself into my room, sitting on my bed without my permission. "Ma has spoken fondly of you, you should know. She told me that when you and your father talked on the phone, he spoke about the grades you have. Quite remarkable, actually. Straight A's? As if I'm able to pull that off." He huffs. "Really?" I say shocked, wondering if he were lieing just to make me feel better. He must of saw that I didn't believe him. "Honestly and truly." He lifted up his right hand. "He also told her about what a beautiful girl you've grown into. She sounded so excited that her own flesh and blood could be that beautiful." I smiled. "I'm guessing you haven't been expecting that." He laughed.

"No, I didn't!" I was so happy that I hugged him.

But that was a mistake. Instantly, a puff of smoke emerged from underneath me. I looked down to find a cow sitting on my bed! "Haru!!!!" I screamed. The cow looked up at me. Was that... Haru?!?

Hatsuharu jumped off the bed with a thud and sat on the floor. I sat infront of him, needing an explanation. He explained to me people with the zodiac curse, and that he had been year of the cow. He said that if he got hugged by someone by the opposite gender, then he would transform. And he could transform back at any moment. And another thing, he couldn't let anyone know the secret, or there memory would have to be erased.

"But your my step sis, so I can make an exception. He looked at me with black cow eyes. It was silent for a few minutes.

"Soooo." He said randomly, bringing up another topic. "I was plaining to go to the market place to buy some things later, would you like to come along?"

"Is the place cheap?"

Before he could respond, an even larger puff of smoke appeared, and he was back, but he was, ah, naked. I screamed as he grabbed one of the blankets Emiko brought me to shield himself before the smoke evaperated.

"So is that a yes or..."

"Yeah sure, why not?" I said, as if nothing weird had just happened

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