Chapter six: The Twins~

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"Hatsumi, was that really necessary?!?!?!" Kyo stood up and screamed in the middle of history class.

My first class was history, which I shared with Hatsumi ('-_-), Yuki, and Kyo. We each sit behind one another, starting with Kyo (in the front), then Hatsumi, me, then Yuki. Of course, because Hatsumi has the advantage of sitting behind Kyo and bothering him for a whole 45 minutes, why would she take that time for granted?

"Why the fuck would you think it would be a good idea to hit me in the back of the head with a book?!" He yelled even louder when she giggled. "Because it'a funny!"

"Maybe you and Hatsumi should resolve this issue later Kyo, stupid cat..." (<- there is no issue really Yuki, Hatsumi is just a down right idiot.)

"I wouldn't be talking you damn rat!"

"Oh you really want to go there?"

"I'll go there if I have to you little f*ck"

"Okay, Kyo, calm down, we are in..."

"Shut up before I punch you in your precious little face!"

"Your just gonna miss again..."

I couldn't help but giggle. "Uh guys..." I said.


"We are kind of in the middle of class."

The four of us turn around to find the teacher (and the rest of the class * cough cough *) starring at them. Some looked confused, some looked like they were about to explode (because it was so funny) or they were just plain annoyed. That was the teacher, who ran over to his desk and began to write out a note. "I hate to give you another one of these Mr. Sohma, but I'm afraid I have no choice." He handed Kyo a detention slip. "It's not like I'm not used to these." He got up and left the classroom.

"Why'd you do that?" Yuki, Hatsumi, and I were walking down the hallway after history ended. "If I have to say it again, because it was funny!" She looked at me with a smile. "It's funny to watch Kyo over react. It's also funny when Yuki gets involved and sh!t goes down." * '-_- *

"But that was nothing really." Yuki added. "Usually someone has to go to the principal's office or the nurse, or maybe sent to after school detention, but it's usually not me." We stopped by my locker as I went to pick up my books for math. "So you do that every day...?" Yuki shook his head. "Not everyday, before today, we had a different seating arrangment, but because of the new addition, you, we had to make new seating. But if Hatsumi continues to act foolishly (Let's face it, she's gonna do that), then that can happen every day. Oh Kyo, so stupid..."

She slammed her locker door at the exact same time as me (there lockers are close to one another..) "Let's just get to third period before we get detition with Kyo, then real sh!t is gonna go down." We all turned around and headed for different directions before he bell rang.

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