Chapter thirty-eight: The dinner that went horribly wrong...

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I smoothed out the gold dress that I was wearing that night after coming back from the pool, once again wearing the same bikini I despised. Oh dear God, why did Hatsumi have to make reservations at a fancy diner?

In celebration of Hatsumi and Kyoya finally dating, she decided it would be a gggrrreeeaaaatttt idea to go out for a nice dinner—— at a fancy restuarant.

I don't know if you noticed, but my gang doesn't really 'do' fancy places. If you reflect. 

Oh frickin' well.

"Are you ready yet?" Hatsumi and a few others burst into the bathroom while it was occupied- and I was in it."OMG yes I'm ready!" I responded. For some

reason, I panicked. Probably because I was SURPRISED.

"Okay well then come out girly!" Noritaka pushed in a pulled my hand. "This is a very special night for Hatsumi! Kyoya even bought her a cake.

"Red Velvet!" Tohru chimmed in.

"My favorite.." Hatsumi smiled. "..'cause it's red like my hair!"

"Right, can we just go now?"


All of us girls started walking down to the diner. I don't know if the guys were ready yet, and we couldn't bother to check because Hatsumi wanted to get there as soon as possible. Most likely because she was starving and wanted cake in her mouth. Pronto. 

"We are here!" Hatsumi sang as we stood in front of a place called The Sunset. (LOL inside jokes that like none of you understand) It looked like a unicorn threw up on the inside. Little children were running everywhere with stains- most likely food- on their faces. Ballons and toys covered the floor."Are you sure this is it?" I asked as everyone looked at Hatsumi, who was the only one with a wide smile and sparkling eyes.

"Yep! This is it! I couldn't make reservations at the other place, so we had to come here!" She put her hands in the air. "Isn't it just wonderful!"


"Madam, please follow me to your seats." A french waitor with a curly mustache and a bald head came over to us.

"Okay!" We all followed Hatsumi, who was skipping all the way to our low seats and table with crayons and paper placemats. We all struggled to squat down to our seats, that I swear we could have broken if the legs weren't so stable.

"Oh crayons!" Hatsumi grabbed a green one and started coloring.

The rest of us waited patiently for the guys to come... I wonder what there reactions would be. And when they did come a few minutes later, they all looked pissed besides Tamaki, Momiji, and Honey, who felt at 'home'.

"This place must be really high class if they have crayons!" Momiji spun around before taking his seat.

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