Chapter twenty-three: Breaking the fourth wall!

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And so.... As it may be obvious, they were out of stock for the fairy princess. So Hatsumi dragged me, Haruhi (who didn't have a costume yet) and Tamaki (because Haruhi came) to the costume store. Why I was here? I have no idea. I rather be at home and 'sulking like the party pooper I am according to Hatsumi.

Back to the story.....

Kyoya (of course) offered Hatsumi and company a ride. In. A. Pink. Limo. Either I was crazy or Kyoya was trying way to hard to impress Hatsumi, who he already has wrapped around his greedy little finger. Now if Hatsumi could hear my thoughts, I would be DEAD.

"Now, who here doesn't have a costume planned out yet?" Hatsumi asked as the Pink limo sped off to the store. Tamaki and Haruhi raised their hands and Kyoya pushed up is glasses with his index finger, signaling he too, didn't have a


"We will be throwing a Halloween Party, so it's necessary for us to have

costumes ready." Kyoya said, finger still on the rim of his glasses, one eye closed and a smirk planted on his face.

"Why am I here again?" I asked, an irk mark on my forehead. Hatsumi sent me a deadly glare causing me to shrink down into my little chibi form. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tamaki shrink and Haruhi sigh.

Across from me, was Hatsumi and next to her was Kyoya, smirking at Hatsumi's influence over people. "Oh my god they are perfect... in the worse way possible. If Hatsumi becomes the shadow queen, we are all in for a 'treat'." I mumbled only audible enough for Haruhi, who was in between me and Tamaki, to hear and for everyone else to hear jumbled up words.

"I'm sorry?" Kyoya leaned forward a bit (barely) and narrowing his eyes, the evil smirk never leaving his face.

"Nothing" I mumbled and crossed my arms over my chest, my white hair cascading down my arms and back. All of a sudden, the limo stopped.

"We are here!" Hatsumi said.... Normally? Man I really hope this girl has an ounce of normal in her body.

~~~ Time skip because you can't stop me ~~~

"Awwwwww. I can't find the right costume!" Hatsumi said.

"Hey it's ok, we will keep looking!" Haruhi said and smiled kindly, which Hatsumi returned. Wow she's calmed down a bit.....


BEAUTIFUL COSTUME IN STORE FOR YOU!" Tamaki loudly declared, causing me, Haruhi, and Kyoya to sweat drop and Hatsumi to get a flame in her eye.

"TAMAKI YOU BROKE THE FOURTH WALL! YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT YOU NUMBSKULL!" Hatsumi yelled and I could just see the flames coming out of her mouth as she yelled and chased Tamaki around the store. I couldn't help but giggle a little at my friend's craziness along with Haruhi. I glanced over at Kyoya to see a pink hue on his face as he stared at Hatsumi. I smirked.

All of a sudden the yelling stopped as Hatsumi looked up at a costume on a mannequin, It was a swan princess dress with a matching mask, a swan prince costume on the male mannequin next to it. She smiled and grabbed her size and ran to the cash register, the rest of us following.

Tamaki paid for his and Haruhi's matching 'Peanut butter and jelly' costumes and I just stood near Hatsumi as she rummaged through her bag for her wallet.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kyoya paying for what looked like a Swan Prince costume. I smiled at how happy my friend will be at the party.

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