Chapter forty-three: An odd night for nightmares.

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So this chaper is going to be kind of different, so I hope you enjoy!~

~Shizuko's Dream

"Daddy, are you going to be okay?" I asked him as he lay in the bed.

"Of course Shizuko. I'll be fine. Now go, your friend's mom is waiting for you to drive you to school. Go ahead, enjoy your day."

"Okay. Daddy." I was six years old, going to my first day in kindergarten. I guess my dad has always been sick, but didn't die until a few years back.

And I went to elemtentary school, middle school, and 1/2 a year of high school, not knowing anything. And then it happened. The day I went to school for final exams, he was admitted into the hospital and died an hour later. And I only found out until after school.

"Daddy is going to miss you." He said to me that morning. I didn't understand until now.

How did he know?

Then a flash of green. and red. Like that. What was this now? Where am I now? I

was just at the furneral..

And then I saw them. They were all there; Hatsumi, Noritaka, Tohru, etc. And standing infront of them was an oddly familier ginger I knew by the name Kaoru. He grabbed me by the hand, smiling. So did   everyone else as they disappeared. It was just the two of us.

He held my hand for a few moments, when I realized I was sleeping, this was a dream. 

That's when he held me closer to him. Why did it feel so real? Nothing else did though, now that I think- when i was young, the funeral, the illness, but I felt like somehow I could feel him.

We stood their, staring at eachother. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't. I literally couldn't, my voice wouldn't work. This is one of the oddest dreams I've ever had. Then he neared closer....and closer....

And right when our lips were about to touch, a sudden interruption shook the ground. He still held onto me, but our faces weren't up against eachother's. Instead, he held me like I was a baby. I was shaking in his arms. "I won't let you go." He said. But that's when it happened. I fell into a dark hole.

"Shizuko!" He screamed faintly as I continued to fall. I couldn't hear it as I continued. I hit a soft place, like a hand. But it was large, like four hands as one. They laughed. "We'll take you back! We'll take you back!"

And then I continued to fall into nothingness.


~Hatsumi's Dream

Crazy mother. Crazy mother. She hit me for the first time.

"Leave her alone!" Emiko screamed, shielding me for the first time. I was 6, she was 11. "I can't! He is gone!" She meant father, but who's dad wasn't dead?

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