Chapter fifty-two: The Birthday Noritaka never had!

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Let's take a peak in Noritaka's house, shall we? *giggles evily*

Usually, Noritaka would have spent the night watching youtube or playing games on her computer, but tonight was somewhat different then it should be. It was still her birthday, but it was nighttime, almost 11. She was exhausted. When she entered her room, she found a little box with Hatsumi and Shizuko's name on it, the box was from them. When she opened it, she came to find some books she had been dieing to read. She left them on her nightstand and relaxed back into her bed.

I wish my birthday could have been better. She thought as she got up in her bed, remembering that she had to brush her teeth and comb her hair before bed, not to mention washing the makeup she put on that morning from her face.

She went to the bathroom and did a boring evey night routine of brushing hair, teeth, and washing gallons of blush and eye makeup of off her face. She looked into the mirror and said in her head again, I wish my birthday could have been better.

But there was an unexpected surprise waiting for her in her room. Did we forget to mention Noritaka had a balcony?

When she opened the door to her room, expecting no one to be there, she found a boy knocking on the window, standing on her balcony. How the heck did this guy get up here and what the heck was he holding? Noritaka stepped closer to find Natsu smiling at her. She opened to windows and began asking how in the

world did he get there.

"I have my ways.." He laughed handing her a box and asking if he may come in. She nodded as she recieved the small unwrapped box. In it, she found a gold bracelet. "You didn't have to get me anything." She told Natsu as she held it up and looked.

"It was my pleasure getting you something." he told her as he grabbed it from her hand and put it on her wrist. It sparkled. She never gotten such a nice gift from her friends or most of her family, who, she was still grateful for.

"Thanks.." Noritaka blushed and tucked a peice of her hair that fell out of her pony in the front behind her ear.

He put his arm around her shoulder. "Anytime." He said, looking around the room, noticing a bunch of knick-knacks.

"Oh, what's this!?!!" Natsu jumped up in down as he poked the bobbly head of a cat that Hatsumi bought her for her eleventh birthday.

"Just a little knick-knack." She said as he looked around the room, playing with the little bobbly heads Hatsumi kept buying her up until her fourteenth

birthday. He then picked up a small green book and looked threw it. "July sixth- today I meet a girl named Hatsumi--"

"Don't read that!" Noritaka snatched the book from his hand, blushing even harder. "It's just an old diary... I was really little.."

He didn't even looked a little surprised that she grabbed it from his hands, but what he did do was put his hand on her face and pull her a little closer to him.

"You know how cute you are, Noritaka?" he said as she looked up at him,


"W-w-what?" She asked.

"You really are something speical, Noritaka." He sat back on her bed. She sat down to. "You think I'm special?" She asked him.

"Yeah--" He stuttered, embarrassed.

"I didn't know---" Noritaka looked like she was going to cry, but really she was happy, and flattered quiet honestly. She hadn't been expecting this. He leaned back on the bed. "Sorry, I know you don't - you know- and we hardly know each other that well, but.."

She completly ignored what he was saying when she leaned back next to him and kissed him on the lips.

When the kiss ended, he looked at her shocked. It only lasted for a few seconds, because he kissed her again.

Then that ended, they stared at eachother like 'what just happened?'

"I'm so.."

"No, I am..." They both didn't know what to say, laying there processing what was going on. Natsu finally decided to say something. "You know, if you didn't like it, you could just say and save me from the embarassment."

"I didn't say that..."

"So, you did...?"

"..." She was nervous and didn't know what to say. She finally earned enough courage. "Yes. Yes I did." The reply made him smile, as he leaned in to kiss her again, a million little shocks ran threw her body as he did. She kissed him back.

Then for the past few minutes, the lay relaxed back in the bed, Natsu's arm on Noritaka's shoulder. It was absolutely silent as they gazed at the stars outside the window. The silence was broken by an unexpected question.

"Hey Noritaka?"

"What is it Natsu?"

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend, I mean, I don't wanna rush into things, but I really like you."

Her heart might have stopped at that very second. She pecked him on the

cheek. "Does that answer your question?" She asked him.


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