Chapter eighteen: This unnamed chapter

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Whew! Wolfie finaly untied me! What you say biatch? *puts on sunglasses and heelies in* Oh nothing dear twin! Any-whore enjoy this chapter! Type now slave! *whips Teresa* Yes dear sibling! 


"Ohh its pink!" Hatsumi screamed and threw her hands up in the air. Kyo rolled his eyes. "I hoped it would be to your liking." Kyoya smiled, and glared at Kyo. It looked like his eyes could have said 'I won.' 

Hatsumi bounced up and down and up and down in the car. "Weee!Weee!" She yelled through the hole ride to Kyo's house, where he of couse lived with Yuki, Tohru, and Shigure. When Kyo angrily got out of the car, slamming the door, Kyoya moved closer to Hatsumi.

It didn't make to much of a difference, he was still writing something down on his clipboard, ignoring Hatsumi.

"Hey, by the way Kyoya, what do you write on your clipboard?" She looked over his shoulder to see whet he was writing, but he had pulled it away to quick she couldn't see.

"No need to know. Just host club business, thats all."

"Oh, okay." She felt a little insulted.

"I didn't mean to insult you." He said less harshly."Seriously." the car pulled up to her drive way. She opened the car door to get out.

"See you tommorow, Hatsumi." Kyoya said, actually looking at her when he said something. "Bye." She replied with a smile, recovering quickly. "See you tommorow!" She waved a friendly wave from her porch.


"Hikaru, what are you doing?" Kaoru asked when he found Hikaru typing on his laptop at 12 am the next morning. It was Saturday morning, and Kaoru wanted to go to sleep. "Can you shut that down, please?"


"And why not?"

"I'm talking to Hatsuharu."


"You don't need to know." Hikaru replied. 

Kaoru pulled the covers over his head and tried to get back to sleep. "Uh."He groaned. "I have somewhere to be later today"

"Where's that?" Hikaru looked back at his bother.

"You don't need to know." Kaoru grinned underneath the blanket, Hikaru couldn't see.



The doorbell rang several times 9:30 am. I wasn't ready to wake up yet. I threw the pillow over my head, waiting to hear who Emiko opened the front door to. "Coming!" Emiko yelled and ran down the hall and opened up the door. "Sohma Residents, how may I help you?"

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