Chapter thirty-five: A Romantic Getaway <3

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It was a nice, sunny, Friday morning, thankfully. I slowly walked into the host club with Hatsuharu, prepared for anything that could possibly ruin my whole day. When I opened the doors to music room 3, I heard this:

"I HAVE A BRILLIANT IDEA!" shouted an energetic Tamaki. 

And so it began.

"It just so happens that I have your passports right here in my pocket." Kyoya said, pulling out all of our passports (besides Hatsumi's, whos was pink) out of his pocket after Tamaki suggested we all go on a cruise for Valentines Day. We all smiled until we realized what Kyoya had.

"HOW DID YOU GET ALL OF OUR PASSPORTS!!" We all shouted in unison.

"And house keys, and bank account password, and zip codes, and address, and health files, and criminal records, and some applications." 

We all screamed.

"I find it hawt." Hatsumi inched closer to Kyoya, which almost seemed impossible because she was right next to him as close as a person can get. Nope. Hatsumi found a way. She was practically sitting on his lap now. "So, do you find my passport picture attractive, Kyoya darling?"  

"Since it was a picture of you when you were like 13 with wide braces and nerd glasses and acne wearing a flashing pink shirt, sure."

"You really think so!?"

"Of course.."


"Okay, so are we going or not?"


"Well, why would I go threw all the trouble to get your passports if we wouldn't

have use for them?"

"Kyoya, you don't go threw any trouble, all you did was snap your fingers"

"I don't see your point Shizuko."

"Whatever." I sighed."So, when do we go?"


"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Lets draw the curtains here as everyone rushes to pack their bags)


Hatsuharu and I met everyone else at a big dock the very next morning.

"And here are all of your passports" Kyoya said, passing all over us our brown passports. When he got to Hatsumi's big flashy pink one, he slipped it in his pocket. She frowned. "What was that for?"

"I can carry yours, Hatsumi."

"But why?!!?"

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