Chapter seventeen: Just like the frickin' carnival.

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Hiya everybody! It's the author, Teresa. So, my twin sister, Ang (She is watching me and hitting me as I type this and making me refer to her as Wolfie so yay) and she forced me to make her type this chapter because she is abusive ~so many scars~ ANYWHORE (~Wolfie 2014) enjoy the chapter! (Okay, this is random, but take a WILD guess who I based Hatsumi off of.)

Hi Animelings (that's her new pet name for ya'll I made it up now but SHE WILL USE IT I SAY! SHE WIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! (slowly fades out). Anywhore (~Wolfie 2014) I will be writing this chapter because I can (due to constant begging and whining) and I hope you all enjoy my style of writing and shit.... Wait what..... bai! (P.S if you didn't catch on to who Hatsumi is.... Its me biatch *puts on sunglasses and heelies away from ya'll)

I swallow my brownie and stare at the white tablecloth, trying to avoid the gingers eyes. Damn I'm being shy...

"Shizuko?" Kaoru's voice came. I looked up.


"umm.... Do you-"

"HELLO BOYS AND GIRLS! THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THIS GET TOGETHER AND PARTICIPATING IN OUR LITTLE PLAY!" Aya's booming voice interrupted, causing us both to jump in fright.


"Aya your mic's to loud" Hatori interrupted and turned down the mic volume.

"Oops! Anyway.... Where was I? Well I guess I'll have to start o-"

"AYA DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE!" Hatsumi yelled from behind me, Kyoya at her side and Kyo behind her, hiding from a desperate Kagura. I think I even heard a "Could ya stop god damn yelling she'll find me!" from him. Aya turned pale and scrambled through his speech to find where he left off.

"Ah yes! Ahem- without you there would be no play so we thank you! Have a safe trip home everyone! TaTa~!" He sang and frolicked off the stage, leaving a deadpanned Hatsumi, a blank faced Haruhi, and emotionless Kyoya and Mori, and the rest of us terrified.

"I'm guessing we have to stay until everyone leaves huh?" Hatsumi asked, still deadpanned.

"Not us! See ya losers!" Arisa called.

"Yes goodbye" Saki said calmly and followed her friend.

As time went by, everyone eventually left with the crowd. Haruhi and Tamaki, Mori and Hunni, Momiji, Tohru, Kagura and Yuki (Kyo defiantly didn't want to be in the same vehicle and Kagura), Renge alone (yerp nobody wanna tap dat), Noritaka even left, leaving me, Hikaru, Kaoru, Kyoya, Kyo, and Hatsumi who didn't want to leave me alone with men (I'm protective kay?).

"Well sigh I better go catch a cab, it's late and I doubt my aunt wants to send someone to get me." Hatsumi said and pulled out her phone to call a cab.

"I'll come with you guess, better to be with someone than be alone." Kyo shrugged and started over to Hatsumi.

"Nonsense, my car will drop you both off." Kyoya said harshly as he glared daggers at Kyo. Oooohhhhh shit gonna go down. Kyo obviously did not like the idea.

"no we will be-"

"Oh thank you Kyoya!" Hatsumi interrupted and grabbed both of their hands running out of the building at high speed. Her white and black dress and long red hair flowing behind her. If I wasn't mistaken, I swore I saw a touch of rose on both of the most stubborn men I know cheek's. I laughed a little at the sight.

"Um Shizuko you wanna ride home?"  Kaoru sweetly offered. I smiled and nodded, a small blush forming on my cheek's. Stupid hormones. Hikaru sighed, closed both of his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets, leaning against the wall.

"I'll take a different car, have fun love birds- ow!" Oops, somehow my pesky handbag made its way to Hikaru's thick skull.

"Screw it, I'll walk." I huffed and sped walked to the doors. Once I pushed them open, a cool breeze flooded over me. I shivered, that is until I felt someone placing their coat over my shoulder's. I turned to my right to see Kaoru smiling at me.

"Just like the carnival huh?" I laughed a little at his comment.

"The getting sick part included?" I challenged playfully. He shrugged.

"Maybe, will you make me feel better?" This time it was I who shrugged,

"Maybe..." We both laughed a little. Suddenly I realized we were standing side by side on my porch. I looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"Any time princess." Then....

He kissed my cheek.

I blushed rapidly and waved from the doorway as he made his way back down the steps. After he was gone I rushed to my room and slammed my door, sliding down it. After a few minute's my hand, absent mindedly, touched my cheek where Kaoru's lips touched....

Did that just happen? 

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