Chapter thirty-three - Natural or Not?

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Soon enough, everyone caught up behind us while we sprinted through alleyways and allywaeys, making sure Emiko wasn't following us, and if she was, she would lose us. I don't remember everyone catching up to us, but when Hatsumi, Sayuri, and I stopped behind a dirty drug store, the others stopped behind us.

We were all panting from all the running. The tea shop was most likely miles and miles away from here. Yuki, Kyo, Tohru, Momiji, and Kagura were expected back over near the tea place, but they couldn't find a way to make it seem like they were coming from there, so they dodged with us.

"That—thats was a close one-" Sayuri heavily breathed. She took off her beanie and threw it on the ground, then rubbed her forehead which was now a tomato red.

"Yeah" A tired Noritaka said behind her.

After 5 minutes of panting and heavy breathing we all stood up straight, ready to go home. I wasn't ready to face any consequences, from Emiko and/or Ai, though 

Out of all of us, Hatsumi, in the pink, flarey jump suit, was the least tired. She had an angry look on her face. "Hey Tamaki!" She called, and walked over to him. That's when I remembered what she said early. She stood infront of him and pulled his ear.


"Whatever!" He managed to squeek. "Even though you two aren't even together!" He began to look at his girlfriend, Haruhi, who was standing next to them and watching (Probally asking were the popcorn at) for help. He reached out his hand to her. 

"Uh, I don't recall asking Hatsumi to be my girlfriend." said Kyoya, who hadn't been sweating, like the rest of us normal human beings (or mostly normal) 

"ARE YOU SAYING YOU DON'T LOVE ME?!?!" Hatsumi let go of poor Tamaki's ear and ran to Kyoya's side. "I never said that...."

"So you do love me?"

"Sure." he was blushing, but only a smidge.


"Ohhhh, we gotta set you two up on a date!"

"Shut up you devils!"


"You two don't even have any girlfriends!"

"Twincest is wincest."

"You know that isn't true! KAORU LOVESSSSSS SHIZUKO-CHAN!!!"

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!" 

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"OMG JUST FUCKING ADMIT IT!" Hatsumi pushed Hikaru to the side and began

to pull Kaoru's ear. (Okay, starting from here its official- Hatsumi replaced Renge in the most retarded yet violent contest. And also won Kyoya *coughs* just saying..)

"Can we just go home?" I asked, ready to run all the way to my nice, comfortable bed in my nice, warm house...

"We'll all just slowly back away from Hatsumi and Kaoru over there..." Noritaka whispered to me, as everyone who wasn't the two of them slowly backed out of the alleyway.


-Back at Ouran, in a normal class that isn't literature-

"And then Juliet died, and then they all lived happily ever after!" Aya said, reading from a script of a somewhat different version of Romeo and Juliet, only much much worse.

-Okay, so it isn't a normal class, it's drama..-

"That isn't what happed!" Hatsumi slammed the script shut. "THAT'S LIKE TOTALLY INACCURATE!"

"Okay then Miss. Yamamoto, explain to me your version."

"Well first of all, it isn't Romeo and Juliet, it's Kyoya and Hatsumi. If your gonna read a script from a play, get the freakin' names right. Second, no one died in that story. Kyoya and Hatsumi lived happily in a large castle that Kyoya spent like alot of money on but he didn't care because he was filthy rich anyway. And they had like, 20 babies. The end!"

"Okay, Miss. Yamamoto, that is just nonsense. Its about two people who-"








"Stop cutting me off!"


"Thank you. It's about two people who-"


"HATSUMI I WILL KICK YOU OUT OF THIS CLASS!" She finally sat back in her seat.

"Thank you. Now, I believe I lost track of what I was saying. Well, anyway, I could

prove one thing wrong about Hatsumi's statement. One, Juliet did not have natural red hair. Two-"

"Are you judging my hair color! It's natural!"

"No, it isn't."

"Okay, it isn't ." Hatsumi sat back in her seat. 

Wait- then what could her natrual hair color be?

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