Chapter twenty-one: Slightly lost-

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We all sat down at the long dinner table dressed formally. A scent of crab sorrounded the whole entire room, which was a scent that I hated since I hated crab.

"This is good crab." Hatsumi said, stuffing a few pieces in her mouth at the same time while everyone stared at her disgusted, besides Kyoya who was to busy typing on his pineapple (Hehe instead of apple) laptop.

"I'm glad you like." He grinned at Hatsumi who smiled with her mouth full of crab. "Its so good!"

(Sounds kinda like Haruhi..)

"I couldn't even eat that much.." Haruhi said, looking at her plate of crab which had almost as much as crab as Hatsumi had in her mouth. 

After Hastumi swallowed, she stuffed more into her mouth. "What- I'm hungry!"


"Okay! Fine! I'll just go if I'm disturbing you!" She stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.  We all stared at eachother, silent. That's when she opened the door again, making all of us jolt up. 

"Can't forget my dish." She grabbed her plate of crab and locked herself in the closet. No one bothered to go get her, not even Kyoya who went back to typing on his computer.

"How did you like dinner everyone?" Kyoya asked everyone after we finished dinner. 

"Good!" Hatsumi yelled from the closet, while no one else answered. "Uh,'m ignoring all of you!" 


"Okay then...."


"Everyone..RUN!" the twins started running around the whole room "Before Hatsumi gets out of the closet!" just then, a sudden flash of lightning striked across the room and a large bang came from inside the closet. The lights went out. The only light came from the closet. And all of a sudden, the closet door opened.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?" Hatsumi opened the closet door, hunching over with an evil face. The twins screamed and hugged eachother frightened. No one else had anything to worry sbout so we all just stood there, besides Tamaki who ran over and grabbed a pole and climbed up it (Imagine how long it took for Haruhi to get him down). The three of them started to shake.

This was another one of those odd Hatsumi moments. She ran over and dragged the twins by the ears all the way to the broom closet. We didn't hear a single word from them for at least 5 minutes.

"I knew I should have improved their characters the chance I could!" Renge said, stomping off into another room.

"5,4,3,2.." We counted until the twins would be kicked out of the room.

The door opened, and the twins were kicked out and landed on there butts on the other side of the room. Hatsumi walked out, whiping the dust off of her hands when she came out. "Yawn! Hey, how about we all hit the hay!" Hatsumi yawned, stretching her arms up in the air.

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