Chapter fifty-four: When you realize your in love.

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Kaoru tried to fight the tears stinging in the back of his eyes as he watched Shizuko run away, off into who knows where. Would he ever see her again, he didn't know. His heart felt like it would tear into two. It ached more than it ever had before. He thought about what she said to him.


"See! This is what you are doing to me! Please stop, It will hurt worse than it already does!!"  Were the exact words she yelled to him as tears streamed her face, falling onto the ground. He wanted to go over and comfort her, but what stopped him was the fact that now was not the time, besides she would probably take off or yell & cry some more, he didn't want to see that.

Many thoughts rushed into Kaoru's mind, one of them being I just lost a friend.

But he didn't think he meant freind when he thought that. Even more than that. But he shook his head, realizing what just happened, and turned the other way and started running, getting everyone else who had no clue what was going on, thinking how the plan Hatsumi made earlier a week back will not work. Or most of it, at least.

He ran into the lunchroom, but no one had been there, so he assumed they were in Music room 3.

When he barged into the room, it was full of guests and hosts and everyone else who wasn't a guest or a host who was their friends sitting at the usual long table. He was out of breath, wanting to explain the situation. Everyone looked at him curiously, wanting and needing to know what was going on.  "Where's Shizuko?" Hatsuharu seemed to read his mind, standing from his seat. "Where is my sister?"

Kaoru still didn't talk as Hatsuharu ran passed him and out the door. The guest were the most confused as everyone else followed, wondering what in the world was going on. Kaoru was last, finally catching his breath when everyone else was well out the door and probably outside.

He dashed for them, and when making his way outside, came across everyone standing in an empty parking lot. Everyone was whispering when Haru yelled "They took her!" And instantly, in that one split second, everyone knew exactly what was going on and what might happen if they didn't take charge.

They all gathered in a circle, listening to a so called 'brillant' five second plan quickly made by Hatsumi, making sure to catch every single detail.

When she finished, Kaoru gallped, knowing he was having to take lead at that last second. Everyone stared at him with the look are you up for it?

He couldn't refuse. Everyone was depending on him, he was the one to persuade her to come back to them. To him. He thought as he quickly shook the thought out of his head. She was a good friend who he would do anything and everything for. Again, the same thought came across his mind. A friend.

A friend?

The thought puzzled him as he nodded his head, up for the challange he was

about to face.


My face was red and blotching with salty, disgusting tears. I didn't want him to seem me like this. I didn't know why I was leaving, or so persistant to, I guess that I knew I hadn't another choice, no parent or guardian was fighting custody for me, beside Hiromi and Ryota, who were gonna take me. If I left sooner, I would have missed them more, and that would be even worse, the pain would stab me like a thousand knives. But I couldn't escape that pain when I was simply talking to him and explaining everything in the classroom when he was squeezing my arms, nor when his face looked at mine when I yelled and cried. I wanted him to come to me, but he knew better. By now he probably would be looking for me. He would tell the others, they would come to get me, I just knew it. Half of me wanted him to, the other didn't. When I turned away from his face, thinking it would be the last time I saw it again, I ran to the limo awaiting for me. I sat in, waiting for the chauffeur to be off the cell phone so I could get to the airport ASAP. My throat hurt. I was leaving my love.

But there were plenty of other fish in the sea, right? For him, maybe. Not ever for me. I didn't think I could love again. Not to anyone else like I did to him. It was kind of sudden, first I thought of him as one of my many best friends, then I begun to think about him all the time and have dreams about him. Whenever he would speak, I would jump on the inside. I would think of what would happen next and what should I say next, and maybe what he thought of me. But he didn't feel the way I did, or he wouldn't have turned around. I thought that as the limo finally pulled out, as I watched him turn his back. I didn't know he would get everyone else until I saw them rush outside, as soon as the limo was well passed the school.

He probably didn't get them anyway....  or had he? The thought cleared out of my mind as I soon fell into a small nap, resting my head on the headrest and throwing my bag on the ground, most likely dreaming about Kaoru. Most likely. I didn't remember.

When I woke up, we pulled into a steep parking lot. I noticed the building, it was gigantic, and it was an airport. I was almost nearly out of Japan. I didn't cry as I stepped out of the limo though, having the chauffeur carry all my bags. We meet Ai near the entrance of the airport, where we would say our last goodbyes. My mother and I were departing once again. I hesitated this thought, this was the first time I considered the woman as my mother.

Then, we entered the same place I had come to Japan in. At the time I wasn't aware of how great my time would be here and how great my life has been so far.

Goodbye, Japan.

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