Chapter fifty-six: The Sad Last Chapter :(

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I turned around to find Hiromi and Ryota standing there with red faces and an angry expression. The plane had stopped, I had no idea. Oh no.

"Where do you think you are going?!?!" Hiromi yelled. A few guys in suits stood behind them. "You are in sooooooo much trouble when we get back to—"

"That's the thing!" I interrupted her. "I'm not going back! I don't wanna go back!"

"You could get arrested!" Ryota calmly said.

"Fine then, arrest me." I said as a few officers behind me hesitated to move. They didn't want to arrest me. They were confused as I willingly stuck out my hands for hand cuffs.

"Too scared?" I asked, then  snickered. Hiromi frowned. "We already...enrolled...we already done so much for you!" Hiromi begun to cry.

"Why don't you just come back with us to America! You can see your freinds."

"My friends are already here!" I pointed to the large crowd which consisted everyone in it. "And I refuse to leave them." Hiromi sobbed a little harder and Ryota sighed a heavy sigh.

"Please, Shizuko.." Ryota then spoke in a firm voice. I wasn't leaving, and he saw that. "..We are your family, do you really want to live with Ai and her sons? Especially that retarded looking kid, Hatsuharu Sohma..."

"Don't insult him! He's been there for me when you two couldn't! He's more of a sibling to me than any of you guys!!" I said defensivly, looking back at Haru who's face was as emotionless as ever. At least he wasn't mad, or turned into black Haru for that matter.

"Don't get crazy.." Hiromi yelled. "You talking nonsense! You would prefer to live

with us !!" 

"That was before I came here and meet everyone..." 

"I you really picking them over us?!" Ryota screamed.

I paused, thinking of my answer. If I was who I was long ago, I might have said no. But things happen, people change. "Yes." I told them, clenching my hands into fists. "Don't get the wrong idea, you guys are family to, but I'm not willing to give up everything I have. I know I'm selfish, deal with it!!" I tried to contain myself from punching someone.

"Think of Ai!! Does she really love you??" Ryota told me back. The answer had been actually no, but I didn't actually care. I cared about my brother and my friends at Ouran. "That has nothing to do with it..!"

Of course it did. 

"Fine!" Ryota spat, turning the other way. Now it had been Hiromi's turn, and she probably spent all this time thinking of the right words to say. She wiped her sticky and tear filled face and began. 

"We love you Shizuko! I don't understand why you don't care about us enough!!!!!!!!!" her voice and words stabbed me. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. Hatsumi and Noritaka were standing there. Behind them, everyone else.

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