Chapter nine: Well this is awkward...

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I don't remember were Hikaru or Noritaka went, but Kaoru and I were hiding behind an abandoned food stand all the way on the other side of were Hatsumi was probably crying her heart out because she was so lost. Eh. I guess it was what she deserved after putting me through a buttload of torcher these past few days...

"Stop shaking!" Kaoru said and put one hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, but I get that way whenever I'm hiding from someone..." I thought everyone got that way. Don't people start shaking, get really excited and jittering, or suddenly have the urg to, like, pee? Whatever, I assume it was just me.

"Your weird." Kaoru laughed. "I never do that!


"Well I do.." I whispered but yelled at the same time (<—- yes, people do that!)

"Now, shush, she might be coming."

But that was obviously a lie. This place was so big a girl like her would obviously get lost. 

"I bet she won't find us for at least 3 hours." Kaoru whispered in my ear, which surprised me. "Huh, I bet 2 days!" We fist-bumped as a sign that the bet was on.

"She isn't that stupid, not as stupid as master Tamaki!" Kaoru laughed.

"Ugh!!" I sighed. "It's literally been 5 hours!" 

I double checked my watch what seemed like seven times. What was taking so long? Kaoru and I were starving. We could hear eachother's stomach growling. He said mine sounded like a dying whale and I said his sounded like a crying ogre."Fair enough" he said as it began to rain.

Each minute the rain began to get harder and harder and we finally had to find shelter before we became any more soaked. We hid underneath a clown tent while the circus freaks began to pack up. "Stay here the night will ya? Save us time from packing this damn tent." The hairest lady asked us while practicing a handstand on her way out. "Thanks."

Kaoru and I had no idea where anyone was our whether or not they were still even here, so we did intend to stay the night. Kyoya's limo was our ride, and it might as well have been gone by now. 

"Gee, good job forgetting about is guys." Kaoru mummled underneath his breath. "Thanks.."

We had come up with the idea with just walking home, but we grew to tired after we came up with the idea, so we decided to save it for the next morning.

I laid on a tough hay bed the carnies left out for Kaoru and I. Kaoru prefered to lay on the cold, dirt, floor than sleep in a hay bed.

"Are you sure? It's much better that floor." I said kicking off my shoes.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kaoru said. "Hay is pretty uncomfortable."

We tried to go to sleep for a few minutes. I was tossing and turning, as was he. No matter how much I tried to keep my eyes shut, it wouldn't work. My eye lids would eventually fall, but they would jolt back open once I heard a crack of thunder. That damn bet..

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