Chapter twenty: Beach surprises!

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Yeah! *throws confetti up in the air* its been 20 chapters! Time to celebrate! Tried my best to make this chapter really good and enjoy!

The week came by and went as fast as any weekend could. At last, the last period of the day, liturature. Shigure, the teacher, decided to let in a student from another class to read there essay (which had been due that day) to the whole class. He said this speical one touched his heart.

"Please give a warm welcome to Hatsumi Yamamoto!" Shigure clapped, but the rest of the class stayed quiet. I could tell why.

"Thank you for ths opportunity, Mr. Sohma, and good morning students! I'm here to read an essay righten by me: How NOT to be Hatsumi Yamamoto, by Hatsumi Yamamoto. He said this book was so good, I should have it part of my college entry form!" She giggled.

For the rest of the class, or perhaps the rest of the day, I remained disturbed.


"Time for the beach. Yay." Hatsuharu threw a towel over his shoulder in an depressed voice that Saturday morning. "Thanks for making these arrangements, sis.

I was too busy packing my bags to make a remark. "You finished packing?"

"Yeah." he replied, grabbing the keys to the car Ai bought for him. "Now lets hurry up before mom finds out and makes us take the limo or something."

Of course, we were the last ones there. Everyone was in the water, splashing around and playing 'who can hold there breathe the longest'. I wasn't even in a swimsuit when the two little munchkin devils- Honey and Momiji- pulled me into the water.

"Hey, your gonna get my sundress soaked!" To be honest I could care less about the condition of the old, stained, white sundress, but it was the only pair of clean clothes I had unless I wanted to waste an expensive blouse and nice jeans.

"Too late Shi-chan!" Honey yelled and  waved his hands up in the air. "Now play marko polo with us!"

They pulled me into a game of marko polo. I was forced to be polo first, so I closed my eyes and dunked underwater for 10 seconds. "Ready!" 

I swam around the ocean for at least ten minutes yelling 'marko!' and no one responded. Its either  I went to far in the ocean or everyone is spiteful. I really hope its the second one.

"Marko!" I screamed for the last time, planning to quit afterwards. Then I felt something swimming underneath or next me I turn around and leap into the water to catch whoever it was.

I felt a shoulder then a some splashes coming from who ever it was upset that I caught them. Then I felt a nudge against my back, and was pushed into whoever was there.

I then felt a chest. Thank god it is a person. (Yeah, cause what fish would have shoulders?) scared, I wrapped my arms around them and opened my eyes, knowing I won the round. I came face to face with Kaoru, whos eyes had been opened as well. I took a few seconds to process what just happened, then leaped back, embarassed.

Why him out of all people?

I finally went up for air, and so did he.

"What was that?" I almost yelled at him, but knowing that everyone else was around, I tried to contain myself.

"What are you talking about? Your the one who put your arms around me!"

"What makes you think I would-" I noticed everyone else around is, and stopped.

"Well, I think we have ourselves a winner!" Hikaru said, swimming over towards us. "Kaoru, you are Polo next." He pushed Kaoru over a bit. "Now go and count, and no peeking!" 

Kaoru swam farther away to go count.

"Good luck." Hikaru said, grinning at me before he slowly swam away.

It was him. He was the one who pushed me into Kaoru.

I wanted to confront him before he left, but I was pulled by the two munchkin devils far out into the ocean so Kaoru wouldn't find us. Hatsumi swam fastly behind us.

"Were are you twerps going with her? Don't make me pull your ears!!" She screamed, and they started to whin. Thankfully, Kaoru hadn't caught any of us, despite how much noise we were making. (You mean how much noise

Hatsumi was making, deary)


"Come wash up for dinner." Kyoya said, instructing everyone to a bathroom in his GIGANTIC beach house since it was owned by his family (Same place that the host club went to guys).

I waited in line forever since Hatsumi was 'reviving her beauty.'

"I need to look pleasent for Kyoya!" Hatsumi screamed after I begged her to hurry up again. She didn't care that people might be able to hear from all the way across the house, since she had a mouth the size of a watermelon. "You sound like Renge!" She was insulted, and opened the door, throwing a towel to the ground.

"Fine, biatch." She stomped away, having a 'Hatsumi Fit'. which had been in her essay from yesterday on how NOT to be a Hatsumi. She didn't seem to follow her own rules very well.

I picked up the towel and looked up to find Kaoru walking across the hall. He turned and stopped, noticing me.



We didn't say anything for a few seconds. 

"So, do you wanna explain the whole thing back at the beach?"

"I was pushed."

"By who?"

"How do you think I know?"

He huffed. "Fine, I think I know who did it anyway." I think I knew what his guess was, but I didn't say anything.

"Well, I'll see you at dinner." Kaoru seemed like he wanted to say something else, but nothing else would come out and then "Go make yourself pretty, okay?" It was an odd thing to say, but it was an awkward moment, so I didn't blame him. (He said it in the heat of the moment guys! This guy is trying to be smooth..although its not working well..)

"Okay" I blushed, then shut the door to get ready.

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