Chapter thirty-nine: Island adventures.

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A few days have past, and, to my amazement, we were on an Island. How we traveled so far around the world within a few days, I really really really don't know.

"We should totally go to a beach!" Hatsumi said, holding a brochure infront of my face. "The sand is pinkkkkkk! I also wanna show off my new swimsuit!"

"No, we should  go shopping." Noritaka crossed her arms. "I hear they have the best outlets!"

"I think we should go get something to eat first..." Haruhi butted in.

"Hey, why do we need to get food first?" 

"Because i'm hungry."

"Well we aren't all hungry!"

"I think we should go and explore a jungle!"



And so, everyone began to argue on where to go, Honey throwing in the word 'puppies' every now and then (this sentence is in curtousy of puppies) 

"Hey everyone shut up!" I screamed. "How about we let the guys decide?"

{hehe I'm typing this part}

We all expectangly look at the guys, who looked like the following:

Tamaki: eyes glowing of joy at the brochure of a beach Kyoya showed him

Mori: meh

Honey: Eyes happy as he eats cake

Twins: Mischievious {yet atractive apperently} 

Kyoya: "hawt"   -_-"

Natsu: swooning over a certain blonde even though Angie (co-author) wasn't

supposed to forshadow that yet

Kyo: Cat ears, tail and eyes staring at he who wil not be named

Yuki: fuck he was named

Haru: hands in pockets

Momiji: stars in eyes looking at everything because its Momiji, also singing 

{back to Teresa}

(OK hi people I'm back)

"OHOHOH I  have an idea!" Tamaki said, closing the brochure he was holding and throwing it on the ground. "Let's go on a tour in a jungle!"

"..but didn't someone already suggest that?" Momiji said.

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