Chapter twenty-nine: Inspiration from Survival Camp

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"Okay class!" Shigure said, cheering as he entered the class room. I groaned. He had a knew idea. Damnit.

"So, since I was bored as fuck over the weekend, I got together a little program that will teach children the beauty of literature and all that jazz!" He said, passing out sheets. "You will all be attending a Survival Camp to get inspiration for a story you and 3 others will be writing! And the team that wins, will recieve a prize!"

No one was very excited.

"Did I mention the winners don't have go attend my class anymore?"

Everyone dashed out of their seats, excited, throwing their papers in the air as the bell dismissed us. Not having to take his class anymore? Huh, that was more like it.

"I will put up the papers of your groups on the bulletin board tommorow morning!" Shigure called as we all rushed out of the room.


"What the hell?" Hatsumi complained on the bus on the way to the survival camp a week later. "I'm not with Kyoya! I need to punish someone! SHIGURE!!!"

Thankfully, all the snow had melted after Christmas break, so the drive was smooth with the exception of Hatsumi getting up and whacking Shigure over the head a few times. Heh.

"WHAT THE HELL SHIGURE!" She yelled and smacked him hard over the head one last time. "DAMN YOU!"




I didn't have bad people (Heh, what about Kyo and your brother..) on my team, but I couldn't help but wish that someone certain was on it instead. Why couldn't I figure out who I wanted on my team? How I didn't know, I wasn't sure.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Kaoru, smiling at me.

"So, whos on your team?" He asked. "Thank god Hikaru is on mine, I don't know what I'd do if at least one of you isn't there.." He stopped.

"I mean, Hikaru, we've always been together until you came...not th-thats bad!" He looked embarassed. Him? That's who I wanted on my team?

"Uh, Kyo, Saki, and my brother." I replied.

"Oh great! At least you have Haru!"


The bus came to a holt and everyone nearly flew out of there seats. Well, someone did, and that was the now unconscious Shigure.

"Okay guys... you can go now..." He said in a tired voice, lifting a finger up. "One of the instructers will give you directions. And remember, you will be here for like, 3 days, so when we get back you have to write a nice story, okay?" We all trampled over his face on the way out.

" one's left here. Looks like it's just me and that greasy bus driver!"

"What did you say punk?!"

"Nothing... no-nothing!"


"WELL GIRLIES!" A tall man shouted in all of our faces. "DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR BEFORE!? YOU ALL HAVE TO LISTEN TO MY DIRECTIONS AND STAY SERIOUS... AND MAKE SERIOUS FACES!" he yelled, starring at Hatsumi, who was just making a cat face the whole time.

"But this is my most serious face!"

"Listen here whimpy, don't act like a girlzy!"

"But I am a girlzy!"

He narrowed his eyes. "Don't sass me, sassy fraz! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"


"What you call me?"

"What, I called you 'mam? You are a woman right?" She snickered.


"I would like to inform you that I'm not a soldier, I rather go by the Shadow Queen. Just ask Kyoya!" She said, pointing to Kyoya. 


We all jogged to our stations that we were assigned to. My team had to do drills and climb under wire and swim through ponds. What kind of inspiration can we get from here? I was starting to wonder if Shigure was using us for his own benefit, maybe because he couldn't come up with a new idea for his publisher..... (Girl, you figured it out.)

~Sorry its so short!~

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