Chapter forty-six: Movie Night!

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"Here you are." Hatsumi handed Noritaka a short pink dress. We were at Noritaka's house, preparing her for her first date. "I hope you like it!" Noritaka took the dress and lifted an eyebrow. It's not like she had another choice. So after I was done curling her hair, she put it on.

"Wow that thing is short." I said when she came out of the bathroom with the dress on. She smoothed out the bottom. "Clearly she just isn't wearing it right!" Hatsumi said, running over to Noritaka and adjusting the bottom of the dress. "She's going to see a movie, not going to the prom." I added, skiming through Noritaka's closet. There must be something less formal but perfect for a date somewhere in here...

"No, I think it's fine." Hatsumi pulled the dress lower, passed Noritaka's knees, but it just popped back up at her thighs.

"She's not wearing that to a movie.." I said, taking out a nice white, lacey shirt from her closet. "Yeah this should do." I layed the shirt out on Noritaka's bed. At

least she smiled.

"Fine..............." Hatsumi sighed. "But one day you will have to wear this dress!" She pushed Noritaka into the bathroom, handing her the lace shirt and a dark violet skirt. When she came out, she looked better, well, much better than she had in the pink dress. I handed her a pear of flats and she was ready for the date.

"Do you think he'll like it?" Noritaka asked before she got out of the car as we drived her to the theater. "He'll love it." I told her. She smiled and got out of the car, finding Natsu by the front entrance. They waved goodbye to us and ran into the theater before the movie started without them.

"I guess we better go.." I told Hatsumi. But the chauffer wasn't driving the car. 

Hatsumi then opened the door, caring a big duffel bag with her. "Where are you going?" I asked, hoping out after her. She continued to walk, but was pulling my hand. "We are going to spy on there date." Hatsumi told me, pushing me into the cinema.

"What? I thought we weren't gonna do that!" I looked at Hatsumi with the look of death that she usually gave people, only less intimidating because it was me.

"No, we are." She replied, pushing her hair back, and taking out her phone.

"Everyone else is here to..."


She dialed a number on her phone then held it to her ear.

"Mori, are you and Honey sitting down at the right seats?" She asked. I heard a deep voice mumble "Yeah."

"Alright, Shizuko and I are getting ready." I followed her into the girls bathroom as she plopped the giant duffel bag on the counter. She hung up the phone.

"I'm not doing this!" I said and waved my hands up in the air as she tossed me a short grey wig and told me to put it on as she begun to dial another number. She then pulled out a grey mustache and tossed it to me.

"Kyoya, do you got your squat team on the roofs?"

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