Chapter nineteen: Another Sohma baby...

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I sat down on couch like Ai instructed for me to do. Fumitaka stared at me like I did something wrong.

"What's up, Ai?"

"First of all, I am your mother, you do not refer to me as Ai. Do you have to be such a fool?"

I felt insulted. "We'll maybe I would call you mom if you hadn't... you know...." I didn't finish.

She didn't say anything for a long minute. "Okay, fine." She rolled her eyes.

"Fumitaka and I have something important to tell you."

Fumitaka? What does he have to do with anything?

"Kay, spill." Hatsuharu demanded.

"-I'm pregnant."

My jaw dropped.

" how- what?!?!"

My brother looked furious. "I'm sorry, but what made you think it would be a good idea to have another baby when you don't take care of the ones you already had!" Haru stood up and walked away, knocking a pile of books on the coffee table to he ground. I didn't blame him. Tears started to flood my eyes.

"How long?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

"Before you were going to tell us..?"

She remained silent a few seconds after I asked. I knew what that meant.

She was going to kill it before it was born so we wouldn't find out about it.

I ran of the house, horrified. This was gods way of reuniting mother and daughter? Mother hadn't stopped me. The amount of fucks she gave about me were very low. I ran down the street and sat at the end of the sidewalk and began to cry.


I looked up to find Momiji and Honey looking down at me. "What's going on? What are you doing here?"

I didn't want any of my friends to see me like this, so I turned around and begun to run. They followed me though. They called several times, but I didn't turn back. I followed a trial into the forest and near the lake. To be honest, I didn't know why had been so upset. Might have been the fact Ai didn't have time for me and decided to have another baby, or maybe I was just insane. The 2 of them hadn't stopped by now. They were calling for me. I cried even harder. I hadn't looked we're I was going, and tripped hard on the ground.

I tried to scramble away so they couldn't find me. Alas, my leg had a giant wound in it and it hurt as hell, and it has a bruise on my forehead, which made me feel dizzy. Before I passed out, i felt arms picking me up and dragging me. Then I heard Momiji's. Voice say "take her to the twins house, they have the closest house around at the moment." He paused and dropped my arm. "I have to get Hatsuharu to come pick her up.

At this point, one small body carried me onto the pavement which hurt my face, but I was out, so I couldn't remember the feeling.

"So that's what happened?" The twins' mom asked Honey who dragged me by himself. "Yes mam." Honey replied.

"Let me just get the twins to help her get on her feet, them she'll be good to go." I finally regained consciousness and felt something cool on my forehead. I opened my eyes to find Karou holding an ice pack to my head.

"What happened?"I asked

"that's what I would like to know"

I say up and looked at him. "how long have I been here?"

"A few hours."

I tried to sit up, but he only pushed me back down "you need to rest."

I sat on his bed uncomfortably.

"Hikaru went down to the basement to get the first aid kit and I assume your brother is coming here at any minute." Kaoru said and put the pack down no his night stand. "Anything I could get you?" I shoke my head. "Okay then, I'm gonna ask you a question."


" why'd you run away from home."

I sighed and realized that I could trust him. "Ai told us she was pregnant. I guess I just didn't like the idea, and ran." I sat up, and he finally let me stay there.

"Wow." He said. "Your mom, with her reputation?" I nodded my head.

"She's nothing like a mother though. I wish I stayed in America."

I could hear the sadness Kaoru had, even though he didn't speak. "But then you wouldn't have met us, and we wouldn't have become friends." I laughed, tears still falling down my face. "Good point." He began to laugh to.

"So were will I take you next Saturday?" Kaoru asked.

I didn't know what to say, so I said the first thing in mind. "How about to the beach. In fact, everyone can come."

"Yeah, that will be a good way to hang out before Halloween!" He said sarcastically. Who hangs out at the beach in fall?

Then, a sharp pain swam around in my stomach and I clenched it. Kaoru noticed and urged me to lay down again, which annoyed me. "Please just get better until your brother comes."

I rested for at least 20 more minutes until my brother came to pick me up.

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